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On July 7 we had a very special event in Moscow, Russian Federation. Especially for those who are interested in SAP HANA Cloud Platform - SAP CodeJam. And, you know, it was a great experience!

It was a full-day event for developers in the room full of developers. What a wonderful combination! The CodeJam was intended to be the 2nd part of the journey we have started at Moscow SAP Innovation Forum for ISVs earlier in June to build a flawless way from strategic thinking into a practical experience. Of course, one day is not enough to become a professional in all these modern technologies we offer. But now all our CodeJamers know where to start, what can be done and, the last but not least, how to develop. So you can imagine we started from scratch with SAP HCP and ended up with real figures made in Cloud! 

The whole event was driven by local SAP Labs and supported by very nice gentlemen - viacheslav.gershov from a campaign side and from the expert side - vasily.sukhanov and me. And, of course, many thanks to our lady behind the event - anna.kopetskaya We were lucky to get one of the rooms in our renovated SAP Education Center. Big and cosy space specially built to stimulate your appetite to get to know more about the latest and the greatest SAP technologies. So if you are in Moscow do not hesitate to visit such a nice place to learn more about SAP products.

Viacheslav set the stage on fire :smile: and we got started. While launching the the event he depicted each of the opportunities and programs the developers have nowadays to stay in touch with SAP technologies. Such a speech created a friendly atmosphere and, as I know now, raised some very interesting topics for discussion during the event.

The main theme for the CodeJam was SAP HANA Cloud Platform and all around SAP HANA and Cloud services either existing on top of it or the ones you can develop on your own utilizing some cool capabilities of the platform. So having SAP HANA in mind as the heart of our forthcoming incredible CodeJam developments we started to build our app.

Lucky we and so lucky you as well :smile: If you still don't know then it's time to get to know and to try out a new way of HANA in HCP - MDC. MDC stands for Multitenant Database Containers. It's definitely a breath of fresh air delivered to you right from the cloud :smile: Less limits, a lot more powerful - and it's all yours!

We gave an overview of what HANA Cloud Platform is. And then Vasily even digged deeper into HANA and what makes it awesome. And then put the hands on it. All further developments were done in trial HCP accounts, so we were passing every step with fingers crossed. Well, you know, it's trial, always be prepared.

1) Create HANA MDC instance - check!

2) Configure development environment - check! Both ways, you know, except Eclipse there is a cool WebIDE approach available for your HANA in HCP and it's awaiting for your codings :wink:

3) Build your own database schema and tables - check!

4) Import the data into your model - check! Whooha, 5 mio carefully prepared records for the task's sake :smile:

5) Configure HANA PAL Apriori algorithm - check! For more information about it see the guide at :wink:

6) Execute algorithm - check!

7) Enjoy the results - check!

So after all the steps executed the participants were able to find the hidden pattern in the 'hypothetical' users behavior and obtained such a desired insights for either up-selling or cross-selling other stuff to these 'hypotethical' users :smile: Of course, it was a way generic example with just synthetically generated input data but.. But the volume of the data processed, ease of development and quick-win result that most of the audience got in the end of the day - these are the things why the attendees will continue to work with SAP HANA Cloud Platform.

And so we too. To evolve the app by adding stunning UI - with SAPUI5; incorporating interactive user input to make an impact on the model - with ODATA services; attaching some factors to influence the model via IoT services in realtime by utilizing amazing MQTT features we had have at the moment in HCP. But it's all about the next CodeJams.

CodeJam is somewhere around you! So stay tuned and be prepared! :smile:

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