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1. Create the Connection at HCP a

2. Create the Connection at HCC if you use the HCC a

3. Prepare your Application at the HCPms a

4. Get an SAP Mobile Secure Account

5. Create an Android Signing ID

6. Get you SAP Mobile Secure Cloudusername and password

7. Download the packager

8. Prepare the appconfig

9. Package the App

10. Create the Cordova App

11. Download it from your SAP Mobile Secure Account and run it

4. Get an SAP Mobile Secure Account

Go to

If you have an Account click on “Login” (at the top right) and go to the next step

If not fill out the form:

You will get two emails, click on Activate now when you get the second mail with “Your System is Ready!”

5. Create an Android Signing ID

Open the cmd window and enter the following line and press enter

keytool -genkey -v -keystore cp-release-key.keystore -alias MyApps -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

Change your keystore name and your alias to what you want

Answer the questions and enter the passwords

Go to your Mobile Secure and click Account --> Signing Profile

Click on New Profile and choose your Platform Type (here: Android) and click OK

Enter your Name, Password and your Alias and choose your KesyStore File (which you find in this folder where you have run the keytool command!) and click OK

To find now your SigningID go to your new Signing Profile and open it. The SigningID you will find in the URL. You will need this ID later!

6. Get you SAP Mobile Secure Cloudusername and password

Click on the Icon next to your Name and choose My Profile

Click on Generate Password

Download this File. You will need your Username and Password later!

If you forgot it you can regenerate a new password