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Use Case 1 : Create target groups from data set: Assuming that the your marketing department has launched a new product and has asked each sales reps/account owner to add their respective accounts who would be interested to attend the new product launch event .

Marketing administrator can create an empty target group and share the Target group ID with all the sales rep/account owners .

Each rep can add their respective account / contact/customers to the TG without accessing the TG directly ( as this will result in locking issues ) from the account/contact /customer data set itself using action 'Add Members to Target Group' . Additionally we also offer another action called 'Create Target Group' to create unique target groups from the data sets.

Use Case 2 : Create Target groups from external source : You can also import target group-members assignment from external source using excel addin/web service .The marketing department can do the segmentation outside C4C and can bring in the members in C4C using pre-delivered A2X service or through excel add-in.

The user can download the template and add member in the template .

Use Case 3: Create target group from target group WoC : You can add Members directly within a target group .you can search for Customer/contacts/accounts based on different search parameters and also extension fields . It also possible to search for contacts/customer/accounts based on marketing attributes and add them to the target group. You can also mass delete members within a target group using action 'Remove from Target Group'

Use Case 4 : Create Target group from analytical reports:- Many marketing administrators would like to slice and dice the account/contact/customer data before creating a target group . C4C offer out of the box analytical reports which enables the marketing administrator to use our strong analytical framework to filter member list and add them directly to a TG in one single click . Yes in just one click.

We offer the following out of the box standard reports from which account /contacts can be exported to a new TG.

1) Accounts contact Data :- Marketing administrator can slice and dice account contact data and create TG from the report.

2) Accounts with Open activities :- Marketing administrator can check for open activities / opportunities and create TG

3) Campaign Response Details :- This report lists all the responses provided by the members of a previous campaigns. The Contact and Account data can be segmented based on different criteria. The contacts can then be exported into a new target group.

A example could be that you would like to add all contacts who are VIP contacts (COO) and who responded positively to a previous campaign ( first stage Email campaign) in another target group so that you can execute a more focused (second stage phone call) campaign for these contacts .

Use Case 5 : Dynamic Target Groups :

Marketing administrator can now define dynamic target groups in cloud for customer , you can define conditions within the target group based on which the system will determine the members and add them automatically to the TG.

A simple example ,you would like to add all 'A' classified members in US to be assigned to the TG .

You can define conditions based on extension fields also (required special configuration to be shared in another blog post).

Under the schedule section,you can also define if you would like the determination to be executed once or periodically (daily/weekly/monthly/yearly).

You can then activate the determination using action 'Activate'.

Extension fields added to account contact , customer header can be added to dynamic target groups .

Pre-requisite : You need to add the extension fields to the static TG search screen before it can be used in dynamic TG .

Please refer to the blog :-  (copy paste the link)

For more details

For adding any extension field to Dynamic TGs , you need to activate Extension Scenarios -

  • Account - General information to Target Group- account selection
  • Contact- General information to Target Group-Contact selection
  • Individual Customer - General information to Target Group-Individual customer Selection

You can do this assignment for existing extension fields also ( by modifying field definitions for extension fields ) .