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SAP has been invited by jobIRL to introduce the Big data and Iot's jobs through a live VideoChat this 6th of April at 5:30 pm.

The interview will be run by l'Etudiant, the first French media for students. In partnership with JobIrl, they monthly present jobs' sector with professionals' testimonial.

Today, Thierry Pierre, SAP, and Aurélie Jauliac, Steria-Sopra, will share their expertise with students during 30 minutes.

Students are invited to post their questions with #ChatBigData that will be relayed in live by the L'Etudiant's journalist.

All SAP France colleagues has been invited to follow this chat and support their colleague.

After the live, these interviews are posted on different web site, You Tube or Dailymotion, and should collect 50 000 views.

We are hoping the same success for the video interview "Les métiers du Big Data and IoT" !

JobIRL is a french association which has created a Social Network dedicated to students and young thinkers from 14 to 25 years old.

This Community, composed of professionals and students, permits direct connexions between them.

+840 jobs are represented, +3100 schools are member and +2000 professionals from +1000 compagnies are coaching students. This network is a nice opportunity to support students and parents about their choice of curriculum studies, of schools or their future job.

I invite SAP colleagues to join the jobIRL Community network.

Their testimonials are precious and supporting for students building their future career.