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Authors:  Sunil Kumar, Shilpi Agarwal

Company: TATA Power Delhi Distribution Ltd

Key Objectives:

  1. Enhanced customer experience - by bringing down the overall installation processing time.
  2. Integration of data at various segregated layers like – Power Management system, SLDC website Scheduler, NRLDC website Scheduler & some excel data etc.
  3. Reduction in the efforts put in by Power Management teams by involving in manual activities to extract and analyses data for asset utilization.
  4. Lay down foundation for proactively augmenting the network, assets even prior to request from applicants.

End User Situation:

  1. The Power Manager manages the Schedule in Real Time. However when the final bill is sent by SLDC, the schedule often varies
    from end-of-day data due to errors in preparation of the bill.
  2. The Bill has to be verified from the data is shared by SLDC in individual excel files for each day.
  3. Currently excel data are saved in opedia. Also there are revisions from time to time.
  4. Keeping track of the data and normal verification from excels is a laborious task with high chances of errors.


  1. The relevant data from SLDC Website & NRLDC Website will be migrated to a database table with the provision of also incorporation revisions in BW HANA System.

2.  End of Day data will be imported from Power Manager Software Database to BW HANA system.

3.  The BW HANA system will do the comparison and provide the exceptions in a predetermined manner.

4.  Interface also to be built for Excel data upload in BW HANA system.

5.  Developed the Analytic views in HANA studio as:

  6. Design the BO report taking these analytical views as.


  1. User dependency & manual work will be reduced.
  2. Paper work & manpower will be reduced.
  3. The data of schedules, DSM bill will be in structured database and user will be able to obtain reports of any period at any time.
  4. Currently about an hour if required for bill verification of each week.
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