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Today I had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Karie Willyerd to campus at the University of Notre Dame.  Karie was the featured speaker at today’s Ten Years Hence event.  The title of her presentation was “How to Future-Proof yourself for Tomorrow’s Workplace”

Karie is a Workplace Futurist at SAP SuccessFactors.  Prior to that she was the cofounder and CEO of Jambok, the industry's first video-based informal social learning software platform, which was acquired by SuccessFactors in March, 2011. Jambok is now incorporated into the SAP Jam product offering. Karie was formerly Chief Learning Officer for Sun Microsystems. In October 2009, ASTD named Sun the #1 BEST learning function in the world.

Karie is the coauthor of the award-winning bestseller, The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop & Keep Tomorrow's Employees Today. (Harper Business May, 2010) She is a regular blogger for Harvard Business, coauthored a feature article on Mentoring Millennials in Harvard Business Review and has authored dozens of other articles or publications. She is a keynoter, facilitator and contributor at hundreds of events a year, from White House events to Fortune 500, from small businesses to garage startups.  Her latest book Stretch: How to Future-Proof Yourself for Tomorrow's Workplace just became available in January.

The Ten Years Hence speaker series explores issues, ideas, and trends likely to affect business and society over the next decade. Students, faculty and the community use guest speaker comments as a springboard for structured speculation about emerging issues and the next ten years.  The O’Brien-Smith Program endowment provides an opportunity for students and faculty to interact with distinguished leaders from business, government, and non-profit sectors.  Today’s session provided an excellent opportunity to highlight SAP thought leadership and expose over 150 students to SAP in a unique learning environment.

The Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame is a premier Catholic business school that fosters academic excellence, professional effectiveness and personal accountability in a context that strives to be faithful to the ideals of community, human development and individual integrity.  A leader in values-based education with the message of Ask More of Business™, the College offers innovative coursework that integrates real-life case studies, a faculty renowned for teaching and research, international study opportunities, and interactions with some of the foremost business thought leaders.