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SAP HANA Tools in Eclipse provides you with SAP HANA native development capabilities.


You have installed the SAP HANA Cloud Platform Tools. For more information, see Installing Java Tools for Eclipse and SDK.

Just imagine you :

  • SAP HANA analytic power ;
  • Develop straight into the Eclipse IDE, integrated with the SAP HANA database, and easily:

- Manage SAP HANA artifacts, such as SAP HANA schemas and repository packages;- Builde analytic models and XS applications;

  • Enjoy superior performance with the XS engine;
  • Build attractive application user interface with SAPUI5 that consumes and visualizes application data;
  • Everyone can access and try out the capabilities of the SAP HANA Cloud Platform by developing an application in the Eclipse IDE and deploying it in the SAP HANA Cloud;
  • Each cloud user and their data is secured and isolated from other users;
  • Grant rights to other users to use your application;


To develop your first Application project , you need to complete the following activities:


     Create  your application project SAPUI5 in J2EE
To open  your new file Eclipse IDE ,select a wizard select package SAPUI5 Application Development, select Application Development:
     -Open the Project Explorer view and navigate to File -> New Project. Select SAPUI5 Application Development;          By the next step you declare that name for your project won't be stored only on your file system, but in your  Repository. In the next step you           have      to create a Repository workspace that will store your naame project.          By completing this you can press Finish button.Troubleshooting: If you experience project errors due to unsupported encoding, use one of the following options to fix the problem:

  • Quick fix that automatically changes the encoding of individual files to UTF-8
  • Project settings that change the default encoding of the entire XS project to UTF-8 ( context menu Properties Resource Text file encoding Other UTF-8 )

If some objects in your  package are hidden you should do the following:

  1. In Eclipse IDE open Window -> Preferences -> SAP HANA -> Modeler -> Content Presentation.
  2. Select Show all objects checkbox.

As a next step, you will create a calculation view, then activate it, and finally select data from the view.

Now open your application package you see normaly:



   -JRE System Libray

   -SAPUI5 Core Libraries







Now you can execute your project .

Open the file index.html you see:




  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

  <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>

  <script src="resources/sap-ui-core.js"





  <!-- only load the mobile lib "sap.m" and the "sap_bluecrystal" theme -->



  var app = new sap.m.App({initialPage:"idMyApView1"});

  var page = sap.ui.view({id:"idMyApView1", viewName:"myap.MyApView", type:sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.HTML});





  <body class="sapUiBody" role="application">

  <div id="content"></div>



You have a choice for this

Now you configure your application server.


The table above shows all VMs running locally and on remote hosts.

You change the remote hosts via   from the tool bar.

To profile a VM, just double click it or use the context menu.

To profile a VM with an open debug port, use   in the tool bar.

For further information about the profiler see the  online documentation .


Congratulations! You have just developed your very first  application on the SAP HANA in Java Eclipse


Ahmadou GUEYE

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