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Quantity Classification:

This document illustrates the usage of quantity classification in EWM put away process.

Here one product is maintained with base unit of measurement in ‘EA ( each )’ and alternate unit of measurement in CAR ( carton )

1 CAR =24 EA

Weight of this product as 1 EA = 2 Kg means one CAR= 48 Kgs

In the warehouse one bin capacity is 100 Kgs and able to store 2 CARs per bin. And require getting individual WTs as per the bin (2 full cartons).

Master data in ECC

Material master

T Code : MM01/MM02/MM03

Alternate units of measurement in additional data

Purchase order unit to procure from the Vendor ( purchasing view )

Settings in EWM:

Ware house product master settings

T Code : /SCWM/MAT1

‘ Preferred UoM’   is CAR under the storage view of the warehouse product

Quantity classification is ‘cartons’ & preferred UoM is ‘CAR’ maintained in storage type data

Storage type settings

Spro-Img-SCM Extended Warehouse Management-Extended Warehouse Management-Master Data-Define Storage Type

Maintained Quantity classification under general control area in storage type


Maintain put away quantity classification as ‘cartons’ under put away control area.

Maintain ‘split during put away’ and ‘rounding after split ‘indicators in storage type

Maintain packaging specification for WT creation ( CAR wise )


Use condition technique for WT (standard: 0WHT )

Maintain product under content with quantity as 1 CAR

Maintain quantity classification ‘ cartons ‘ under warehouse tab against level ( this level is not relevant for HU in this example )

In storage type maximum capacity for one bin is 100 Kgs.

If we do the put away without Qty classification, can store 50 products (each product = 2Kg )

But, in this example quantity classification is maintained for the product as 1 CAR = 24 EA ( 48 Kg )

With the quantity classification, it can possible to store 96 Kgs only ( 2 cartons ) and WTs can be distributed carton wise quantity along with bin weight capacity.

Process :

  1. Create PO & inbound delivery in ECC

T Code : ME21N

For inbound delivery

T Code: VL31N

Here IBD is created for 5 cartons, and 3 WTS can be created for three storage bins in EWM.

Check the inbound delivery notification in EWM

One inbound delivery created through PPF actions

Create WTs

Here WTs are created for three bins and put away split applied as per the quantity classification

Note : we can use the Qty classification as a serach  parameter within the storage type search sequence also.

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