SAP Learning Blog Posts
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Product and Topic Expert

Welcome to the first news rundown for 2016! Here you will find the latest happenings and developments regarding SAP Learning Hub. Check out the SAP Learning Hub News archive if you have missed previous updates. You can also sign up for our email newsletter here to get the news delivered directly to your inbox. We wish you a happy and healthy new year full of many learning opportunities!

Next-Generation E-Learning: We Need Your Feedback!

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve your learning experience, we invite you to try a new simplified approach to e-learning that we are developing and we want to see how it works for you. To participate, search for course "LA100_beta" in our new “learning card” format starting January 11. The learning content will be similar to what you are used to; we’d like you to pay special attention to the new interface. You’ll find a link to a brief survey to share your feedback. You don’t have to go through the entire course to use the survey, so don’t hesitate to contribute. Your feedback will influence the future of learning about SAP.

Content Retirement

SAP Learning Hub is here to keep you up-to-date with the latest knowledge surrounding the ever-evolving and expanding capabilities of SAP products. Part of staying up to speed includes the retirement of content that is no longer applicable to the latest SAP release versions. In order to make these retirements as transparent as possible, we will make the following items available approximately six weeks in advance:

  • A pending retirement notice in the course description
  • The appearance of a retirement date and successor course title within the content catalog
  • Announcement on the SAP Learning Hub News site

Bear in mind that any course-associated curricula and SAP Learning Rooms will also be affected and note that you should use the successor course if applicable.

We are excited to keep moving forward with the latest content and will work hard to keep you on the right learning path!

For January 2016, course code BC410 (Developing Screen-Based User Dialogs for SAP NetWeaver) will be retired and succeeded by BC410_EN_Col10

New SAP Learning Rooms for SAP S/4HANA

This is an announcement for a pair of new and important SAP Learning Rooms:

  • SAP S/4HANA Implementation and Configuration Learning Room Everything you would expect from the title as well as an overview of SAP Activate, guided configuration, SAP Fiori apps, solution scope, implementation scenarios, sizing, and more.

  • SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management (Materials Management and Operations) Learning Room – Once you have SAP S/4HANA up and running, this is the place to be to discuss operations.

New Learning Map for SAP HANA

Looking for some direction or some new learning opportunities for the latest SAP HANA SPS10 release? Check out the new learning map for SAP HANA SPS10 in the SAP HANA Implementation and Modeling Learning Room!

SAP Learning Room for Root Cause Analysis

We have a place to discuss end-to-end root cause analysis using SAP Solution Manager. Join the SAP Solution Manager (Root Cause Analysis) Learning Room. Inside you can find all the modules of diversified learning content you will need for the topic – guided, of course, by a real expert.

SAP Live Access in the Welcome Learning Room

The Welcome Learning Room now has a page dedicated to getting started with SAP Live Access. If you have not joined the Welcome Learning Room already, this is yet another reason to do so. Find the SAP Live Access page link at the top of the Welcome Learning Room overview screen. Here to Stay

We are happy to announce that, with over 500 e-books on professional development, is no longer in a pilot phase and is now a permanent fixture of every paid edition of SAP Learning Hub!