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Last year I wrote the blog post, "You Asked for it, SAP Delivers: Twenty Four (24) Cool New CRM Enhancements" introducing readers to the SAP Customer Connection program which allows customers to suggest new product enhnacements for SAP CRM. As I described in the blog post, SAP delivered two-dozen improvements to the CRM WebClient framework based on the ideas suggested and voted for by you -- our customers!

This year, in 2015, we had our biggest customer participation ever: Over 154 customers from 22 different countries submitted 171 enhancement requests! After the votes were tallied, SAP went to work, cranking out as many of the top-requested enhancements as possible. In the end, SAP was able to deliver over twice as many enhancements as last year!

Some of the enhnacement requests that SAP was able to deliver are generic usability tweaks to the CRM WebClient framework that will benefit all CRM processes, while other enhancements are more application specific (i.e., improvements to the CRM Service Order). You can have a look at all of new enhancements in the presentation here or you can use the

Some of the most popular new enhancements from the CRM2015 round of the Customer Connection program include:

  • Timeout notification and optional count-down clock
  • Open links in new browser tab
  • Drag and drop of email attachments in Interaction Center email editor
  • Search for archived documents in Interaction Center
  • Mass change of iBase components
  • View account search results visually on a map instead of a result list
  • And many more...

And as usual, enhancements from the Customer Connection program are available for immediate use (via SAP Notes) for select existing CRM versions! No need to wait for a future enhancement package.

So if you would like to get involved, hurry up and sign up for the CRM2016 round of the Customer Connection program which is still currently open. But hurry up, the submission period for new requests closes on October 31!

Follow me on my blog at john.burton/blog