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This document contains end to end scenario to replicate data from ECC system to SAP HANA system (Replication is real time). SAP HANA Studio is used for modelling purpose. Views are created in data modelling. This document is divided into 3 parts. Please find the link to the next part at the end of the page.

Prerequisite for this scenario is to have SLT configured.

For SLT Configuration  :

Following are the step involved in integration of ECC to HANA and HANA modelling :

Step-By-Step Development Process


1. Login

In SAP HANA STUDIO, we need to login for data provisioning.

  • To login START ---> ALL PROGRAMS --> SAP HANA ---> SAP HANA Studio.


2. Data Provisioning

  • Data Provisioning lies under SAP HANA Modeler at right panel of screen.We always need to work under SAP HANA Modeler tab.

    SAP HANA Studio Version SP09 (Latest).

    • If Quick view tab not available we need to navigate through WINDOW ---> SHOW VIEW --> QUICK VIEW

NOTE : Data Provisioning used for selecting the source metadata and importing metadata and data into SAP HANA System. SLT is (trigger-based) type of data provisioning which is used in current scenario.

  • Data provisioning tab will provide with SYSTEM names on which operation is to be performed. In this case we select HDB(SYSTEM)


3. Source & Target System

  • Select the source system from which data is to be loaded and give the target schema name where the tables needs to be saved.

    Here EH7(EHP7_EH7_07) is source system and Target Schema is ECC_NEW_HANA  

4. SLT Based Table Replication

  • DD02L and DD02T are two metadata tables in ECC system.

    This tables contents the description and structure details about all tables in ECC system.  

  • Replicate tables using REPLICATE option to right panel of screen.

          Replication of tables will be real time.     

NOTE : Load will load only the current data and not any other data that is changed afterwards (no delta support). Load is advantage if you think you won't have any updates in any table and this will not create any triggers or logging table in the source system which are primarily required for delta (and hence replicate creates and uses them)

Replicate will load the data till the current state and also all the changes that happen then on (Replicate = Load + Delta).Replicate is advantage if you want real-time data always in HANA and which would enable you for real-time reporting.


  • Select tables from ECC system to be replicated. Below is the screen which gives the entire list of tables in ECC system.

  • At present we select EKKO table from left list.
    • Select EKKO --> ADD --> FINISH

This starts the replication of EKKO table.

NOTE : EKKO is Purchasing Document Header table. For table structure check below link


  • Start Up SAP HANA STUDIO, click and expand HDB(SYSTEM) to left navigation panel.


  • After the system has been integrated on the left side of the SAP HANA Studio we will find the Navigator View. There are two sub-nodes, Catalog and Content.

NOTE : Catalog represents SAP HANA’s data dictionary, i. e. all data structures, tables, and data which can be used. The physical tables and views will be placed in the Navigator tree under the Default Catalog node. This node contains a list of Schemas which is used to categorize tables according to user defined groupings.

  • In this case, ECC_NEW_HANA is schema we used. This schema was auto-created from SLT and the tables replicates under this schema.

NOTE : Schema is a logical place for creating / maintaining Tables / views / DB objects. Whenever a DB USER is created, he is assigned a DEFAULT schema for his id.

  • Below screen gives tables list under ECC_NEW_HANA schema.
    • Click CATALOG ---> SCHEMA_NAME ---> TABLES

  • Right Click the Table we need to use for Data Modeling.

      Here we have used EKKO table.

    • Right Click TABLE_NAME ---> OPEN CONTENT

  • Open Content fires the SELECT SQL query and displays the data of table.

          SELECT TOP 1000 * FROM “ECC_NEW_HANA”.”EKKO”

NOTE : SQL SELECT Query takes top 1000 records by default. This may change. 

  • Go to Content folder under HDB(SYSTEM).

NOTE : The node Content represents the design-time repository which holds all information data models created with the Modeler. Physically these models are stored in database tables which are also visible under Catalog. The Information Model nodes navigate to Attribute Views, Analytic Views and Calculation Views. The Information Models are organized in Packages. The Contents node just provides a different view on the same physical data.

  • Here we have created ANA_PO analytic view using EKKO and EKPO tables.

      EBELN purchasing document number is used for join between both tables.



NOTE : Package is a procedure for grouping together the related information objects in a structured way.

Go to for details.

For Next Steps : End to end integrated Scenario of ECC, HANA and BO : HANA Modelling to IDT (Part 2)

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