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I have been doing a lot of research as eContabilidad is a very large topic for most SAP shops that have operations in Mexico, actually if you did more than 4 Million Pesos in annualized revenue in Mexico, in 2013, it is a very big deal.  I have gone through a lot of different discussions here, but here are some key summaries from what I have been learning.


Also, as a side note, the Mexico SAT just released changes to eContabilidad -- look at my blog for updates on those topics. From the SCN community, here are some key insights I have found -- from (MX) Contabilidad Electrónica - RME 2014 Anexo 24


The standard SAP Electronic Accounting solution for Mexico (eContabilidad) does not support:

  • Companies that can’t create an FSV

  • SPL: Special Purpose Ledger data – here is a direct quote from the community: I have been telling you this since the beginningour GL  ledger is Oct – Sep so we use Special Purpose Ledger for Mexico Reporting, so this doesn't work for us and we started a Zprogram instead”

  • FI-CA: Contract Accounting data

  • Report data in a second currency

  • Balance report executed by dates ranges, it can only be executed for a specific period. This is a larger issues as even if you run 12 periods, many companies don’t run them exactly to the calendar month as requested by the Mexico SAT. What if the January period ends January 23rd as an example? It is also possible that you run up to 16 periods – again standard OSS notes will note work for you.  Here is a direct quote from the community – I'm also confused why "report executed by date range" is suddenly out of scope. It's a legal requirement, so how can it be just declared "out of scope" and still count as if SAP "supports" this?”

  • Grouping code at 2nd level. This is still an open point but the Mexico SAT did outline their catalog definitions to the 2nd level and it is likely they will want data at that level, not just Level 1. (This was actually announced in the Dec 4, 2014 updates that accounts do need to be mapped to the sub-account (i.e. Revenue - Foreign Revenue).


OSS Notes for the Journal Entries were not out as to when this was written. And expected release just in time for PROD freezes.

The most important issue is the UUID and the Polizas and those notes aren’t even released – the first two reports just trigger audits – the third report is what is used to justify deductions, avoid penalties and allow you to take a tax refund.

From SCN: For Electronic Accounting, you need 3 XML, GL, balance and accounting document files are needed, the first two are very simple to keep track of. The last file which is the accounting document with the UUID of customers, suppliers, expense accounts, payroll is the complicated one.

The report to generate the XML file for the Journal Entries is being developed. The release of this report is planned by the second week of December.

Part of the data needed for this XML file, in case of income or expense Journal Entries, is the CFDI information: "UUID" (e-invoice number), the "RFC" (Tax Number of the issuer of the e-invoice) and the amount.

- The UUID* is a 36 char data. To be able to enter this information, header texts need to be defined:

  1) In Sales&Distributions and in FI Accounts Receivables and Payables: If the CFDI standard functionality is used, the UUID field already exists. If the functionality is not used, there is no need to setup the CFDI solution, only the field has to be defined.

  2) In Material Management (transaction MIRO), an analysis is being done to determine the corresponding field

  3) In Travel Management (transaction PR05), an analysis is being done to determine the corresponding field


So in closing, you need to understand the realities of SAP OSS notes as they are just pieces of the puzzle when it comes to compliance in Mexico. With the Dec 4, 2014 updates, make sure you understand the affect on your compliance strategy.

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