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The NetBackup for SAP HANA Agent integrates the backint interface for SAP HANA along with the backup and the recovery management capabilities of NetBackup. The software works in single as well as multi-node environments. Below are the list of activites that you need to perfrom in the HANA Studio for netbackup configuration.

1. Create hdbbackint soft link from /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/opt/hdbbackint to /usr/openv/NetBackup/bin/hdbbackint_script for every database instance.

2. The parameter file (initSAP.utl) must be specified for data in the SAP HANA database instance configuration. To specify the parameter file, go to

     Instance->Configuration-> global.ini > data_backup_parameter_file.

3.  The parameter file (initSAP.utl) must be specified for logs in the SAP HANA database instance configuration. To specify backup using the parameter file,

    go to Instance->Configuration->global.ini-> log_backup_parameter_file.

4. To specify backup using the backint file, go to Instance->Configuration->global.ini-> log_backup_using_backint->SYSTEM = true.

After setting up the above configuration . The HANA studio -> configuration ->global.ini file should look like the below

Performing backups and restores of SAP HANA using backint:

Use the SAP HANA studio to backup the SAP HANA data. The following steps help you to setup the backup. Setting up the backup using the SAP HANA studio

1 On the SAP HANA studio interface, select the HANA instance that you want to backup.

2 Right-click on the instance and select the Back Up option.

3 The Backup of System screen is displayed. Select the Backint option. Specify the Backup Destination and Backup Prefix as shown and click Next.

4 Confirm the settings under Review Backup Settings and click Finish.

5 Check the Activity Monitor of the NetBackup Administration Console to get the backup information. On a successful backup the results will be displayed

Usefull Notes:

OSS 1986958 - Common issues / Configuration recommendations for Symantec NetBackup for SAP HANA

OSS 1913568 - Support Process for Symantec NetBackup

P.S: Incase of backup failure you need to analyze the backint.log &backup.log files.


Pavan Gunda

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