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SAP Portal Issue Analyzing using Http-Watch Tool


This document contains how to analyses the issue in SAP portal issue when the system is up and running using third-party tool Http watch log. You can able to  find the issue in portal like sso, third party system connection failed or any other issue.  Even you able check the performance issue as well. this tool is IE pug-in

Created: Brindavan Mookaiah

Designation: SAP BASIS Consultant

Created: Brindavan Mookaiah

Designation: SAP BASIS Consultant

Table of content  :-

  1. 1)      Download the Httpwatch log tool…………………………………………………………….
  2. 2)      Install and check………………………………………………………………………………………..

Step 1

Downlaod the Httpwatch log from the following URL HttpWatch 9.4: HTTP Sniffer for IE, Firefox, iPhone and iPad .


once you downloaded the httpwatch tool  then install the same by clicking--> "httpwatch"

once you install the httpwatch you can able to see the httpwatch plug-in in IE

Click httpwatch

once you clicked the httpwatch tool, you can able to see the like above  in IE.

Then enter the portal URL and then click "record".

Record everthing upto the issues which you faced.

then Click stop.

Then you can save the file as CSv,XML or HWL file.

save the file into your local desktop.

click the Portal log file which you saved in your local desktop.

Now you can able to analyze the log where exacting causing issue.

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