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-Call a ECC Transaction ME49 on click of a Toolbar button of sap crm transaction in WEBUI(CRM) by Transaction Luncher

-Pass some data of CRM Transaction to the ECC Transaction selection Screen.

-Open the ECC transaction in a separate window without overlapping the CRM Webui screen



-ECC: Copy Business object TSTC_UIF and Delegate.

-ECC:Create a new method and implement ,for setting the parameter values to ME49 selection screen.

-CRM: Create Transaction Luncher for BOR Object type with a handler class.

-CRM:Create Logical Link for this Transaction luncher.

-CRM: Create Custom object type , which is needed for navigation.

-CRM: Create generic Outbound plug mappings by using the logical link and custom object type.

-CRM: Create button and its Event handler method in webui.

-CRM:Implement logic in button event handler for dynamic navigation using navigation descriptor objects.

-CRM: Goto se24 and open the transaction luncher Handler class and implement your logic in

           if_crm_ic_action_handler~prepare_data_flow and other methods as per your requirement..


ECC Development

-Copied the Business Object TSTC_UIF to YV_TSTCUIF in Transaction SWO1. Delegate it to Standard TSTC_UIF.

-Created a method SET_PARAMETER in this copied business object.

In the General section of the method , the Dialog & Synchronous check box should be ticked .

Set the status of the method to Released.

-This method has the parameters: ( you can  mark as mandatory for the required parameters)   These are the parameters whose values will be passed from CRM during runtime.

-Coding of method SET_PARAMETER:

The corresponding report program of the TCODE ME49 get called . Because we can pass any parameter values without any issues.

Note: You can also use the Call Transaction and using the set parameter ID,  if the field has parameter ID . you can see this by using F1 key on the GUI fields.

begin_method set_parameter changing container.
       l_f_ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
       l_f_ekorg TYPE ekko-ekorg,
       l_f_submi TYPE ekko-submi.

swc_get_element container 'EBELN' l_f_ebeln.
swc_get_element container 'EKORG' l_f_ekorg.
swc_get_element container 'SUBMI' l_f_submi.

* Call report program of transaction code ME49
* -> Selection values from CRM Service order Quotation

   SUBMIT rm06eps0 WITH p_ekorg EQ l_f_ekorg
                      WITH p_ebeln EQ l_f_ebeln
                      WITH p_submi EQ l_f_submi
                      VIA SELECTION-SCREEN AND RETURN.


CRM Developments
Details explained below.

Created a button in the Webui and also its corresponding Event Handler method.

- This event handler method will create the navigation descriptor object for dynamic navigation using the object type.

Coding of Event handler is shown below

Transaction Launcher handler Class :

Which gets generated during transaction launcher creation.


-Here we are sending the value for the transaction launcher parameters to ECC Transaction ME49.

-In this method you can see the parameter values which was assigned during Trans.launcher creation.

-So when you open this method, you will see some auto generated codes.

-Here you can get the collection which you sent via button event handler method,  from  variable gv_ltx_cuco as   displayed below.

-Here you can also program as per your need.

Output: Now go to CRM webui and open your transaction. Click on the Button to lunch ECC tcode ME49.

This Tcode will open in a separate window without overlapping/replacing the current CRM webui screen .

Debugging: you can put a breakpoint in this handler class method . This will be triggered before displaying the ECC Transaction.

Hope this will be helpful .



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