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This was an SAP webcast by SAP yesterday.  The notes are somewhat light (by my standards) because there were several demos.

Figure 1: Source: SAP

I think we have all experienced what is said in Figure 1.  Data migrations can be a challenge.

Figure 2: Source: SAP

The SAP speaker said they wanted to “Make it easier to move data into SAP”, to move source to target

This solution uses Data Services to leverage experience

Figure 3: Source: SAP

Documentation is free to help you deploy solution.  You can use "Predefined content to leverage"

It uses services methodology to go through the right process for your project

You can "use prepackaged service with SAP or a partner"

Figure 4: Source: SAP

The speaker said it uses the SAP methodology with the 6 steps shown in Figure 4.

Figure 5: Source: SAP

You can do it yourself – more on this later


Figure 6: Source: SAP

Figure 6 shows the target system is the ISU (Industry Solution-Utilities) SAP system.  It is uses the Industry Solution Migration Workbench (ISMW)

This takes flat files and basic validation

Utilities have thousands/millions of meter readings, many customers and partners

The solution takes the flat filesor Excel, connect to system with Data Services, do profiling, cleansing, not build transform from scratch

There is also a configuration extraction feature to read the settings from your SAP configured system to validate the data

Then it uses IS Migration Workbench to load to SAP

See a demo here:

SAP said they are working on upgrading to Data Services 4.2 coming in October

More resources:

Source: SAP


We have used this solution and we will present this at the SAP for Utilities Conference in 10 days - more here Going to Hollywood - in September for SAP for Utilities

I'll be honest and say when we first faced a data migration of 2 other companies into ours I first thought of LSMW's - but that is not completely right.  You have to think of how you are going to prepare the data to fit SAP's structures, and that is where this solution fits in.

ASUG has a data migration session next month at the SAP Analytics BusinessObjects Conference: Data Migration: A Path to Information Governance