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This document describes how to set up a Report-Report Interface from SAP BW to SAP TM(Transportation Management) . As an example we will show the RRI for a Forwarding order, but the same technique can also be used for a Freigtorder, Freight settlement Document, etc....


First of all you need the object 0TM_TRQDBK in your dataproviders and queries for which you want to create a report-report-interface. In the business content you will find this object in the DSO's, but not in the infocubes, so some adjustments are probably required. This object is directly related to 0TM_TRQID. If you don't want to show the 0TM_TRQDBK(which is a technical key) to the users you can hide the characteristic in the query. However for test purposes it is recommended to display the object in the report until you have successfully tested.


Now we can set up the interface by using transaction RSBBS

     2.1 Define the sender query(which contains the object 0TM_TRQDBK) from where you wish to drill-down to SAP TM

     2.2 Select as Target System "Local" although you go to another system

     2.3 Select as Report Type "Web Address"

     2.4 Under Receiver Object you have to fill in the URL to display the Forwarding order. The best way to find out the correct URL is to display a forwarding     order in SAP TM, the URL will look like this(the bold letters represent the 0TM_TRQDBK):


     Now you have to adjust the URL so it can be used by the RRI. If you simplify your URL to the format below it will work.

     2.5 After entering the Description you have to add the Assignment details. This will place the 0TM_TRQDBK in the URL, it should look like the screenshot below


If you use webtemplates, you have to set the RRI functionality in the context menu of the webtemplate.

Good Luck!

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