CRM and CX Blogs by SAP
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My grandmother once gave me some valuable advice about not being too shy to ask people for what I wanted, “Don’t be afraid to ask. The worst that can happen is they’ll just say no.” In my case – as a seven year old – I wanted a cute puppy dog. (Note: I eventually got that puppy dog – and he eventually chewed up all my shoes, clothes, and toys. Strangely though, I could never convince him to eat my school homework.)

SAP also provides a way for customers to ask for things. The SAP Influence Programs offer three channels for customers to provide direct input to help influence SAP’s products and solutions.

  • SAP Advisory Councils invite lighthouse customers and thought leaders to work with SAP to shape the future direction of SAP products and strategy.
  • Customer Engagement Initiatives offer SAP customers the chance to collaborate with SAP on the development and testing of new products and solutions in the pipeline.
  • Customer Connection topics invite customers to help improve existing SAP products that customers are already using by suggesting and voting on ideas for improvements.

SAP typically has multiple Advisory Councils, Customer Engagement Initiatives (CEIs), and Customer Connection focus topics running in parallel.

SAP recently wrapped up a Customer Connection focus topic dedicated to Usability of CRM WebClient User Interface(UI). Customers from around the world submitted thirty-eight different ideas for improvements, of which twenty-four were recently delivered. Among some of the cool new enhancements are things like:

  • Automatic “save”
  • Cancel a running search
  • Ability to include colors in result lists
  • Custom logos for business roles
  • Improvements to the email editor
  • And many, many more…

And the best news? All of these features are available for immediate use (via SAP Notes) for select existing CRM versions! No need to wait for a future enhancement package.

Check out the presentation and/or watch a recording of the presentation showing all the new features!

And don’t miss your chance to participate in the next round of enhancements in the next cycle for Customer Connection for CRM to begin at end of August. Click here to sign up for the Aug 28 kick-off meeting!

Follow me on my blog at john.burton/blog