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The first Innovation Center of Latin America was inaugurated in December 2013, together with the expansion of the SAP Labs Latin America, in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil. In the first semester of 2014 the Innovation Center received more than 115 customers, where they could experience our technologies as HANA, Cloud and Mobile. However, the Innovation Center of SAP Labs Latin America is totally into the rhythm of the World Cup and our showcase area is displaying the latest SAP sports technologies. SAP is ready to be the future of the sports! 

Check what our customers can experience during their visit to SAP Labs Latin America:

HANA (Match Insights) – Shows the power of HANA and how the Germany National Team will manage the players during the World Cup 2014

SUITE ON HANA (Arena Management Dashboard) – Show how an Arena can be managed by the SAP Suite on HANA and how the board members can see the results in real time.

FIORI (Player Portal) - Show the flexibility of FIORI in order to manage all the information about the Players and their activities.

CLOUD (Ticketing) - Show the power of the SAP Cloud and how we can sell tickets anywhere, anytime.

MOBILE (Fan Engagement) - Show the capabilities of the mobile platform in order to engage the fans before, during and after the games.

INNOVATION (Google Glass Player Status) - Show the innovative capabilities of the Labs in develop new solutions using new user interfaces.

Also the German Football team is using the SAP Match Insights for football, which facilitates the analysis of training, preparation of individual players and tournaments. SAP is ready to change the future of the sports, from improving the fans experience at the station and gathering as much information as possible to improve the player’s performance. On the other hand, SAP Labs Latin America Labs is also ready to spread SAP technologies for sports in Latin America.