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I've been got invitation to create my own blog “Blog It Forward" by Blog It Forward - Jitendra Kansal and Blog it Forward - Kumar Gaurav in the request to join table. I really like the concept of "Blog It Forward" thanks to moshe.navehfor this wonderful initiative. I am a regular follower of BIF chain blogs and I'm glad to be requested for joining this!

Who am I?

Let’s start about myself, I am Maheshchandra VVNS,(aka mahesh) i felt it a very long name when trying to fill the name in the application forms (job, education),  but for me it’s helping in getting recognition with full name in every place and i like my name. I was born in Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. You can see some cool snaps about our state and country here Blog It Forward - Pradeep Kumar Ganugapenta and about my present working company, Jitendra explained a lot in his BIF, I can’t do much justice than him since I changed to this company recently. , , Blog It Forward - Jitendra Kansal

I like working with computes, either it’s developing a web sites / Blogs or a Hardware workshop. Apart from web I also like travelling and visiting new places a lot, till now I got chances to visit most of the places in India from Sun rise in Kanyakumari (southernmost in India) to Cold nights in Kashmir (northernmost place in India).

I love the nature and so the nature loves me 🙂 .

How all this started

My Journey with SAP was accidental (like so many people here), I joined in a company where SAP implementation was going on, and at that point other than seeing some training centers about SAP I’m not sure about what is SAP, what it does in a company. All I know is user Interface design i.e., Web design and development. so I was brought in to SAP Portal area, I felt a promising growth and career in Enterprise Portals and web user interfaces, so i tried to utilize the opportunity to the fullest. I slowly started exploring SAP & Other modules and their benefits. The point which I made my interest in SAP for my career was, we can’t learn it by simply reading a book (s) or by attending class room training, its (SAP) is all about Knowing the company, the process and the people and applying them in real time. Innovation is the key success for SAP and SAP Consultants; and Change is Inevitable in SAP, How we respond to the change is the key in SAP Consultant Career for his/her growth.

I was here: In initial days, my trainer in our project used to tell the Concepts and then "Go and check it in SDN and help.sap" and read yourself. So I registered in SDN, was very active in Portal area (forums), used to read each and every thread and tried to answer some.  I was more active in my SDN account than in my face book. Coffee corner forum was the second most interested forum area for me in those days. Career Center, SAP Web Dynpro JAVA, ESS were other forum areas which I used to very active.

One of my savings old SDN, where I was top in PCM forum with Tobias and others, Record of achievement,.

I like it (beta SCN):

I was one of the people who liked the migration to beta SCN and probably the first member to use all the emotions in a single post on First SCN Friday http://scn.sap.com/thread/847461?start=510&tstart=0. New SCN (not sure when beta gone) is like a social network site which has features like easy blogging, reputation, bookmarks, activity, etc..

Questions from Jitendra

1) What makes you smile/laugh?

Playing with our Pet dog, it’s like a super barking dog ‘Blot’. There is No Home like the One You've Got and no enjoyment the one which I got with our pet

2) Had you not been into software at all, where would you have been?

I would be in a career where i can travel more and visit new places and people

3) What is the craziest thing you would have done in your life?

On a road trip, when we are out of fuel, stopping the ongoing vehicles and asking them for Fuel (not lift)

Questions from Kumar Gaurav

1) How do you deal with criticism?

Criticism is like cache in system, allowing it from trusted sites and deleting all on regular intervals will help in improve performance.

2) How you came to know about SCN.

From my superiors, they always insisted me to search in SDN for each topic/ problem. Sometime I search for a topic or a basic problem and finally ended up somewhere else by digging the original problem and knowing about other areas/topics

3) Latest incident that make you laugh.

Last Weekend at home playing with our pet

I would like to invite the following people to BIF chain



and the questions are

Name the person who affected you most in your career/ way of thinking and why?

What do you think are the key elements for a successful project?

What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

Thanks for reading,

Mahesh 🙂