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Purpose – Step-Step guide for configuring and demoing partner scenarios

Target Audience – Sales Engineers, Sales Reps, Cloud Consulting

Scope – Service related partner scenarios only.  This refers to ticketing flow.  This document does not cover sales partner scenarios such as opportunity management.


  1. Cloud Portal Site with Author access
  2. Cloud for Customer(C4C) 14.02 tenant and key user access
  3. Skills – Hand-on experience in configuring C4C master data.

Scenarios – Below are few variations of partner scenarios.  Partners play different role – reseller, distributor, support partners.  This solution applies to scenarios where partner is involved in support (ticketing) process.

  1. B2B customer support – Partner as an intermediary here. Partner drives support process on behalf customer. Eg: Juniper’s customer Verizon works with BearData as a support partner.  BearData creates/follow-up on tickets on behalf of Verizon.
  2. B2B2C partner consumer support. Partner in a reseller role. Example - CDW reseller sold end user (consumer) LightRoom product. End user contacts CDW and CDW determines it is a license key problem so CDW contacts Adobe and creates a service request in behalf of me to send me a new key
  3. B2B2B partner customer support.  Partner in reseller/distributor role. Example - PGI reseller sold Sap Adobe Connect. Sap contacts PGI and PGI determines the issue is with Connect so PGI contacts Adobe creates a service request in behalf of Sap to contact Sap for follow up

Support Partner Scenario – Typical B2B deployment

  Rest of this document illustrates setting Scenario 1. Same can be followed for others

  • Verizon end customer buys service contract for router LN Series. As part of the service contracts, Bear Data is identified as Service Partner.
  • Mary, Joe are identified as Support contacts for Bear Data


Initial C4C setup –

As a C4C key user

  1. Account Workcenter - Create Accounts (Customers) -  Verizon, AT&T and Cox.  See below picture

2. Partner Workcenter - Create Partner Organization –Create Bear Data as a Partner (Screenshots required)

3.  Partner Inspector - Create Mary, Joe and Jack as Partner Contacts for BearData.  Specify email-id for these contacts.  Note – this email id is the link for Cloud Portal access. (See screenshot below)

4. Account Inspector - Add Mary, Joe to Account Team of Verizon. See picture below. Do the same for other accounts. NOTE - Make sure you select Partner Contact in the Party Role.

C4C setup is all done here!

Demo - Ticket Flow

1. Mary (Bear Data contact for Verizon) logs into portal

2. Mary creates ticket on behalf of Verizon. Select Verizon in Customer drop down. See screen shot below. Note - Partner can also create ticket for themselves by leaving the customer drop-down blank!

3. C4C Agent responds to ticket

4. Mary reviews response on Portal

5. Mary closes ticket on Portal


Click here to see how SuccessFactors improves the customer service experience with their Support Portal.