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This tutorial is intended as a guide for the creation of demo/test data only. The sample script provided is not intended for use in a productive system.


The main purpose of this document is to show you how demo or test data can be provided for SAP hybris Marketing Data Management 1511 and up.

This tutorial explains one way of collecting tweets from Twitter based on a search term so that they can be used in the Sentiment Engagement workset of SAP hybris Marketing Data Management. A Python script for harvesting is executed from SAP HANA Studio (alternatively, you can use an Eclipse IDE such as Aptana Studio). The script inserts the collected tweets directly into interactions using an Odata service. If you run the script with the default settings, it will harvest 100 posts in one run for a given search term. However, you can change the script settings to retrieve more data per run.

To run the script, you will need to make a few customizing and configuration settings in order to use the PyDev plug-in in SAP HANA studio.


Make sure that the following prerequisites are met before you start out:

  • Installation of SAP HANA studio

       Install SAP HANA studio

Please check SAP help file for more information about SAP HANA studio installation.
Tested with SAP HANA studio 64bit with minimal Version: 1.0.7200 and SAP HANA client 64bit, Microsoft Windows 7, 64 bit version.

  • Download Python that contains SSL Library.
    Download Python from published on non-SAP site and install it. The recommended version is Python 2.7.8. This was tested using 64bit Windows installer.

  • Application Registration in Twitter
    If you don't already have them, register your application and get your consumer key and consumer secret as follows:
    1. Open the URL: and register your application.
    2. Note down the consumer key and the consumer secret.

  • User and Role

        To import the tweets using Odata service, the SAP hybris Marketing user needs the role SAP_CEI_ECOMMERCE_INTEGRATION.

  Setting up the Editor to Run the File

     Carry out the following steps:

  1. Install Pydev plugin to use Python IDE for Eclipse
    The preferred method is to use the Eclipse IDE from SAP HANA studio. To be able to run the python script, you first need to install the Pydev plugin in SAP HANA studio:
    1. Open SAP HANA studio, click Help on menu tab and select Install New Software...
    2. Click the button Add... and enter the following information:
    3. Select the settings as shown in this screenshot:  

    4. Press Next twice
    5. Accept the license agreements, then press Finish.
    6. Restart SAP HANA studio.
  2. Configure the Python Interpreter
    In SAP HANA studio, carry out the following steps:
    1. Select the menu entries Window -> Preferences.
    2. Select PyDev -> Interpreters -> Python Interpreter.
    3. Click New... button, type in an Interpreter Name. Enter in field Interpreter Executable, the following executable file from the newly installed python location  C:\....\Python\Python.exe. Press ok twice.
  3. Create a Python project
    In SAP HANA studio, carry out the following steps:
    1. Click File -> New -> Project..., then select Pydev project.
    2. Type in a project name(example: TWITTER_DATA_COLLECTION), then press Finish.
    3. Right-click on your project. Click New -> File, then type your file name (for example: Press Finish.
  4. Create an external library path
    In SAP HANA studio, carry out the following steps:
    1. Right-click on your project, select properties and Pydev-PYTHONPATH.
    2. Select the tab External Libraries, then click on Add source folder C:\...........\Python\Lib.
    3. Press Apply, then OK.
  5. Import the script
    1. Copy the  Python script which is available at the end of this Document.
    2. In SAP HANA Studio,Open your newly created Python file from your project and paste the script.
    3. Click Save.

        Alternatively you can save the python script with .py extension in your file location and import this file to your project.


Customizing and Running the Script

1) Customizing and User Input for Python Script

  1. In your Eclipse editor, open the file and maintain the following parameter in the CUSTOM PARAMETERS section of the script:

  2. Save the file.
    Feel free to adopt the search query and its options to your needs. Now you are ready to run the script.

2) Executing the Script

  1. Run the script from your editor.

  2. Enter the search term(s).
    Now you will receive data from Twitter, as you can see in your Eclipse IDE.
    The script can be run multiple times: It can extract data based on a search term for up to the last 7 days.


        You have now set up harvesting.


#Python Script starts here
import urllib2;
import urllib;
import sys;
import json;
import time;
import binascii;
import copy;
import calendar;
# 1. Target System
username = 'XXX'    # hybris Marketing user
password = 'XXX'   # password for your user
cuan_url = "XXX"
# EXAMPLE: cuan_url = "https://my.system:8080/sap/opu/odata/sap/CUAN_IMPORT_SRV"
# 2. Twitter OAuth Tokens
# (register your application to get an access tokens)
c_key        = 'XXX'  # CONSUMER_KEY
c_sec        = 'XXX'  # CONSUMER_SECRET
# 3. Proxy settings
proxy = ''
# EXAMPLE: proxy = 'http://proxy:8080'
# proxy = ''
# 4. Additional settings
language = "en"             # Tweet language (ISO 639-1 language code)
socialmediachannel = 'TW'   # Social media channel name like 'TW'.
                            # You can enter Maximum 3 characters,
                            # this has to be in sync with SCI customizing
contact_prefab = {
    "Id": "",
    "FullName": "",
    "Timestamp": "",
    "Facets": [],
    "ImageURI": ""
facet_prefab = {
    "Id": "",
    "IdOrigin": socialmediachannel
interaction_prefab = {
    "CommunicationMedium": socialmediachannel,
    "ContactId": "",
    "ContactIdOrigin": socialmediachannel,
    "ContentData": "",
    "ContentTitle": "",
    "InteractionType" : "SOCIAL_POSTING",
    "Timestamp": "",
    "SourceObjectId" : "",
    "SourceObjectType" : "",
    "SourceSystemId" : "",
    "SourceSystemType" : "",
    "Tags": []
tag_prefab = {
    "TagType": "SearchTerm",
    "Tag": ""
payload_prefab = {
    "Id": "",
    "Timestamp": "",
    "UserName": "USER",
    "SourceSystemType": "EXT",
    "SourceSystemId": "PYTHON",
    "Interactions": [],
    "Contacts": []
# Generate the Bearer Token for use in the Authorization Header when making
# calls to the Twitter API. This is done via Application-only authentication,
# see '' for more details
def generateTwitterHeader():
    api_url = "";
    # step 1. generate bearer token credential
    bearer_token_credential =  "%s:%s" % (c_key, c_sec);
    # step 2. generate Base64 encoded credential
    base64_bearer_token_credential = binascii.b2a_base64(bearer_token_credential)[:-1];
    # step 3. connect
    bearer_token = "";
    if proxy is not None and proxy != '':
        handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': proxy, 'https': proxy});
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler);
        opener.addheaders = [ ('Content-Type', "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"),
                              ('Authorization', "Basic %s" % base64_bearer_token_credential)];
        data =, data="grant_type=client_credentials").read();
        # step 5. parse json string
        json_data = json.loads(data, encoding="utf-8");
        bearer_token = json_data["access_token"];
        print "[ERROR]\n%s" % ("\n".join("%s" % info for info in sys.exc_info()));
        return None;
    return "Bearer %s" % bearer_token;
# URL Encode a String
def escapeParameter(text):
    return urllib.quote(str(text), safe="~");
# Extract all "set-cookie" headers from a given urllib2 response Info end create
# a single String containing all those Cookies. This is done using a variety of
# String operations. The Cookie String can later be send as a Cookie Header
def extractCookies(info):
    final_cookie = "";
    cookie_list = info.getallmatchingheaders("set-cookie");
    for i in range(0, len(cookie_list)):
        cookie_str = cookie_list[i].split(": ", 1)[1];
        final_cookie += cookie_str.split(";", 1)[0];
        if i < (len(cookie_list) - 1):
            final_cookie += "; ";
    return final_cookie;
# Extract the value of the 'x-csrf-token' Header in the given urllib2 response
# Info
def extractCSRFToken(info):
    token_str = info.getfirstmatchingheader("x-csrf-token")[0];
    return token_str.split(": ", 1)[1][:-2];
# Convert the timestamp returned by Twitter to a CUAN_IMPORT friendly timestamp
def twitterToCUANTimestamp(string):
    t =  int( calendar.timegm(time.strptime(string, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y")) * 1000);
    return intToCUANTimestamp(t);
# Wrap a given timestamp (can be an Integer)
def intToCUANTimestamp(t):
    return "/Date(" + str(t) + ")/";
# Prompt the user to Input a search query
while True:
    resp = raw_input("Please enter your search term:\n")
    if resp == "":
        resp = raw_input('Enter your search term or "stop" to exit:\n')
    if resp == 'stop':
    if len(resp) > 0:
    if not resp:
search_term = resp;
search_url = "";
apiurl = "";
# Setup to make a call to the Twitter API with the given query
params = [("q", search_term),("count", "100"),("lang", language),("result_type", "recent")];
handler = urllib2.BaseHandler();
header = generateTwitterHeader();
# Handle Proxy settings
if proxy is not None and proxy != '':
    handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': proxy, 'https': proxy});
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler);
opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', header)];
http_url = ("%s?%s") % (search_url, "&".join(['%s=%s' % (param, escapeParameter(value)) for (param, value) in params]));
# Call the API and convert the returned JSON Object into a Python Object
data =, data=None).read();
json_data_tweets = json.loads(data);
# Construct the Payload for the CUAN_IMPORT service
replication_created_at = intToCUANTimestamp(int(time.time()));
payload = copy.deepcopy(payload_prefab);
payload["Timestamp"] = replication_created_at;
contact_ids = [];
user_count = 0;
tweet_count = 0;
# Process Tweets
for tweet in json_data_tweets["statuses"]:
    # Extract information
    tweet_id = tweet['id'];
    from_user_lang = tweet['lang'];
    id_str = tweet['id_str'];
    user = tweet['user'];
    from_user_id = user['id'];
    from_screen_name = user['screen_name'];
    from_user_name = user['name'];
    userProfileLink = '' % (from_screen_name);
    socialPostLink = '' % (from_user_id, id_str);
    profile_image_url = user['profile_image_url'];
    created_at = tweet['created_at'];
    if created_at is None:
    created_at = twitterToCUANTimestamp(created_at);
    user_created_at = twitterToCUANTimestamp(user['created_at']);
    text = tweet['text'].encode('utf-8')
    text = text.replace('\n', '');
    socialmediachannel = socialmediachannel;
    if len(text) == 0:
    # Create a contact for every Tweet (only if it does not exist already) and add a facet
    if not from_user_id in contact_ids:
        contact = copy.deepcopy(contact_prefab);
        contact["Id"] = str(from_user_id);
        contact["FullName"] = from_user_name;
        contact["Timestamp"] = user_created_at;
        contact["ImageURI"] =  profile_image_url;
        facet = copy.deepcopy(facet_prefab);
        facet["Id"] = from_screen_name;
        facet["IdOrigin"] = socialmediachannel;
        contact["Facets"] = [facet];
        user_count = user_count + 1;
    # Create an interaction for every Tweet
    interaction = copy.deepcopy(interaction_prefab);
    interaction["ContactId"] = from_screen_name;
    interaction["ContentData"] = text;
    interaction["Timestamp"] = created_at;
    interaction["SourceObjectId"] = str(tweet_id);
    interaction["SourceDataUrl"] = socialPostLink;
    # Create a tag for the search term and add it to the interaction
    tag = copy.deepcopy(tag_prefab);
    tag["Tag"] = search_term;
    tweet_count = tweet_count + 1;
# Convert the Payload to JSON
json_payload = json.dumps(payload);
# Create HTTP Basic Auth Header
cuan_user_creds = binascii.b2a_base64(username + ":" + password)[:-1];
user_auth = "Basic %s" % cuan_user_creds;
# Fetch a CSRF Token and store the Cookies of the response (for later use)
opener = urllib2.build_opener();
opener.addheaders = [('x-csrf-token', "fetch"), ("Authorization", user_auth)];
response =;
csrf_token = extractCSRFToken(;
cookies = extractCookies(;
# Create a POST request and execute it. The Request will contain the payload,
# the previously fetched CSRF Token and the Cookies
opener.addheaders = [('x-csrf-token', csrf_token), ("Authorization", user_auth), ("Cookie", cookies)]; #, ("Cookie", cookies)
import_headers_url = cuan_url + ("/" if cuan_url[-1] != "/" else "") + "ImportHeaders";
data = json.dumps(payload);
req = urllib2.Request(import_headers_url, data, headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Content-Length": len(data)
response = None;
    response =;
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
    # Something went wrong. Display information to the user and exit
    error_message =
    print "An Error occurred:";
    print error_message;
# Success
print "Imported %d tweets by %d users" % (tweet_count, user_count);