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The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) launched its Competency Centre for Enterprise Resource Planning Education and Training in Africa (CCERPA) at a handover event for the erp4school / erpfoundation project, which was supported by SAP AG and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).  It took place in Cape Town on Thursday 15 May 2014.

SAP was represented by Mr. Sunil Geness (Director Government Relations and CSR) and De Wet Naude from SAP UA.  The German Consul and various other dignitaries were also present.

The erp4school / erpfoundation programme was initially developed in Germany and rolled out into Africa with the CPUT as primary implementation partner. This project adds to a growing pool of ICT-enabled students as well as contributes to critical ICT skills development in Africa.