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SAP HANA Calculation View

Right click on the models package and select new calculation view.

Name your calculation view as CV_COUNTRY_TARGET and un check enable multi Dimensional Reporting.

Now drag and drop the Analytic view (AN_PURCHASE_ORDERS) that you created earlier and also


Now add a projection (from the box you see to the left) for the AN_PURCHASE_ORDERS view.

Now click on the arrow you see on the right of your view, drag and drop the arrow on the projection.

Add Product Id, Gross Amount, Category, Product Name, Country columns to output.

Add a join operation and connect the country _target table and the Projection1. Make a 1:N

Inner join for Country in Projection_1 to Country in country_target table.

Next right click on the calculated columns on the right side and select new.

Name it as “Performance”. Give it the data type “VARCHAR” and length “25”.

In the expression editor type:

if(“Gross Amount”<”Target”, ’Target Not Met’,’ Target Met’)

Finally Validate your expression and click ADD.

Now connect the join to the Projection. Select Projection and add all columns to output.

Next, select the Semantics scenario and choose SAP_HANA_EMP_DEMO as schema.

Choose the Columns as attributes.

Save and activate your view.

Do a data preview and choose raw data.

out put values.

Hope it will help Beginners.

Please Refer the below documents.

SAP HANA Attribute View

SAP HANA Analytical view



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