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SAP University Alliances India journey to influence the next generation on SAP and SAP Technologies made its next stop at Indian Institute of
Technology, Guwahati - Annual festival- Alcheringa 2014 from 30th Jan-02nd Feb
where a large number of students gather to exchange knowledge and cultural learnings.

The Labs Recruitment team supported UA team strongly through sponsoring this festival for us to reach out to 1500+ students and 10 faculties through speaker sessions at the Lecture halls, UA Banners, Distribution of UA flyers  & the UA booth. The students were informed about the various technologies that SAP is innovating in such as Cloud, Mobility, Big Data etc. along with the Learn Apply Share Recruit approach from SAP University Alliances covering topics such as SAP Student Academy, Academy Cube, Presales & Sales Academies. The students were also encouraged to register on various portals like SCN and the HANA Academy, MOOCS as a way to influence them to learn about SAP Technologies. There was huge excitement among the students on seeing the SAP Techniversity video.

Mr Anil Warrier –Global Head – Early Talent & University Hiring Program & India Head-Talent Acquisition addressed students on a very interesting topic - Man Management is not taught in Engineering colleges. The students found the session extremely useful as they were shared some interesting information how different teams collaborate at SAP to contribute to the organization success.

The UA team had set up a booth at the event and ran various activities from the booth. The booth was the point of information on various SAP related topics with focus on SAP HANA.  On the Spot Quizzes on SAP using the 1 page flyers at the booth created some excitement among the students who won SAP premiums like T-Shirts, Laptop bags.

Check out the following links for more info on IIT Guwahati and Alcheringa festival: