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Initially I want to say special thanks to jitendrakumar.kansal and chandrashekar.agarwalFor inviting me to Blog It Forward Community Challenge ’.  They deserves to get appreciation from many of users who are getting invitations towards Blog It Forward Community Challenge .

Here I provided glance about Myself , How SDN helps , About India, where do I live and finally  BIF questions.


Myself Vijay Chandra and I am into SAP BW since more than 3 years. Currently associated with Optimal Solutions, Bangalore.  I am keen towards new technologies and looking forward for Improvement in the same. 

Where Do I Live?

I was been stayed in multiples cities of India like Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai and currently I am located at Bangalore. Above mentioned all place are beautiful and ground for opportunity to growth.


Queen of the Deccan, Oxford of the East, and cultural capital of Maharashtra. Pune is a city with a future that promises to be as interesting as its history.


Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra State and the gateway to this beguiling subcontinent. Of the four great cities in India and Mumbai is the commercial and entertainment capital of India.


Hyderabad is the capital of the state Andhra Pradesh, India. It also goes by its Sobriquet City of Pearls. Hyderabad has developed into one of the major hubs for the information technology industry in India which has earned it the additional sobriquet "Cyberabad".


Bangalore, recently renamed as Bengaluru, is the state capital of Karnataka and one of the most attractive modern cities in India. It has grown into the fifth largest metropolis of India. The city is famous for its beautiful parks, avenues, impressive buildings, heritage centres and excellent shopping. These qualities make it a magnificent place to visit, a delightful destination in its own right as well as the gateway to Southern India.

How SCN helps:

SCN is the best and first adviser for a SAPite. Coming to BW consultants, 4 places called Business Content and Extractors , Data Warehousing, SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse , SAP Business Explorer (SAP BEx). Above 4 together helps to move forward.

It has Material, it has case studies, it has expert advices, it has best practices methods, it has new developments and finally it has solution. My journey with SDN has been continuing since 3 years and helps me to climb ladder called Improvement. This still going on and will go on.

To Pay it Forward. Pay it Back! I am doing my level best.

Thanks SCN.

About India:

India is Seventh largest country in world and fastest growing frees market democracy.

The culture of India refers to the way of life of the people of India. India's languages, religions, dance, music, architecture, food, and customs differ from place to place within the country. The Indian culture often labelled as an amalgamation of several cultures, spans across the Indian subcontinent and has been influenced by a history that is several millennia old. Many elements of India's diverse cultures, such as Indian religions, yoga, and Indian cuisine, have had a profound impact across the world.

Bill gates About India:

'India has fantastic pool of software professionals.

                                                  The world needs to benefit from this'.

Krishnanattam ritualistic theatre dance

Indian Culture

BIF questions:

1) What makes you smile/laugh?

Although humour is part if ourselves, having funny chat with friends always make happy and remembering funny incidents of past keeps smile on face.

2) Had you not been into software at all, where would you have been?

I would be into teaching profession.

I would like to   Blog It Forward Community Challenge

to anshu.lilhori


Best Wishes,
