SAP Learning Blog Posts
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Higher education institutions today are challenged with a rapidly evolving environment,

facing political reforms, budget constraints, ever increasing student numbers, competition,

new technologies and many others. Will institutions thus need to turn into more of a “service provider”,

being subjected even more strongly to aspects similar to commercial companies in a complex,

dynamic and continuously global market?

SAP supports you with solutions to manage the challenges – we would appreciate YOUR

support in ensuring we tackle the right priorities!

SAP’s Higher Education Industry Team is conducting a global client survey to determine

which solutions are a priority development in the future; you can contribute to shaping

the future by giving us 15 - 20 minutes of your time to answer questions on

--> your opinion on market dynamics (trends and challenges) in higher education

--> your business priorities (organizational support of market dynamics)

--> your perception of SAP’s service offering

If you are interested in participating, please complete the survey at

Consolidated results are planned to be finalized in February; we will be happy

to share a summary of these with you. In this case please be sure to leave your

contact details in the survey since participation is anonymous otherwise.