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1) Continuous I/O nodes not allowed for sequence-dependent setup activities

Check if the distribution key is maintained for any APO relevant component, which means, the component is set for regular input in the process order/planned order. Such component is to be assigned to produce phase and not setup phase. If it is assigned to phase which is not in APO, it is automatically assigned to 01st phase in APO (which may be a setup phase). This will give error. So such component should be assigned to produce phase in APO.

This Error may come for few other reasons as below:

a) If the phantom product is assigned to non-APO relevant phase and it is set as continuous input/output (Distribution key in the BOM component).

b) This error may come, if APO releant component is assisned to Non-APO relevant Phase,

c) If the Phase date/time in process order are not aligned with Master Recipe relationship

Refer OSS n note: 683160 and 456278.

2) Sequence-dependent setup activity does not have a mode (//CCR Error Code: 166)

Check the assignment of the order resources to the model. If any resources are not assigned, assign them to the model.
Check the material list of the order if there are any materials which are manually added during the order confirmation. This error could happen if a material is not assigned to the correct activity or only to the superordinate operation. In that case the system assigns this material to the first activity (setup activity) and this is not allowed in APO. This error appears normally only in the time period between (partially) confirmation and technically completeness.
Check TECO status of order to verify wheather it's having TECO status or not. If you know Order No. then you can check it out directly otherwise you can use T-code COOIS.

Also check if the recipe network in process/production order is inline with the master recipe.

3) Error exploding phantom assembly XXXXXXXX at location XXXX


a) check if the Phantom product is correctly maintained ex: Check fields like MRP type, Procurement type, special procurement key,

b) Phantom BOM is maintained and CIFed across to APO successfully.

c) No production version is created for this product. This error also appears, if production version is created for phantom product.

4) Setup activity has at least one mode that does not cover

Check the operations list of the order if there is any difference in the operations. Any addition of APO relevant operation may cause this error.
Check in the Resource which is attached in PPM or PDS whether setup matrix is defined for the version under time continuous cap tab page.
Check also relationships between setup phase and processing phase, there should be one relationship end-start between them.
Refer OSS note: 1232542

5) Bucket capacity requirement has an invalid value.

a) A bucket capacity requirement with the value 0 for a bucket resource
b) A negative bucket capacity requirement for an SNP activity
e) A bucket capacity requirement that is not equal to zero for a setup activity
f) A bucket capacity requirement that is not equal to zero for a resource that is not a bucket resource
g) A bucket capacity requirement that is not equal to zero if the activity duration is zero
h) A negative value if the activity duration is different to zero
Check the source of supply (for example, the production process model) with which the order is to be created or changed.
Please refer Notes: 1032080 & 1381483

6) Mode linkage problem with primary resource (/SAPAPO/OM_ERROR2 119)


a) Whether PPM (both PPDS & SNP PPMs) available for the item having process order sysfail.
b) Check the material master, receipe, bom, routing data of the product.  Also, network connectivity relationship is maintained
c) Check whether resources are maintained properly for the items of the process order.
d) Check integration model is active for process(production) orders.
e) Check sap note 410653

An order has at least one condition with mode linkage to the primary resource. The activities of this condition must have compatible modes. The modes are compatible if each mode of one activity has at least one mode of the other activity with the same primary resource and capacity requirement. The first activity that violates this condition is given in the return code table in ABAP.

7) Different setup keys for activities with locked activity chain

Check if the operation into which the phase is inserted in SAP R/3 contains a phase with setup keys. In the standard system, setup keys in SAP APO can only be copied from the PPM. The PPM explosion imparts the setup keys to all phases of the operation, therefore, also to the produce phases, for example. Phases that were manually added to the process order do not inherit these setup keys, which results in the error.

😎 PI dummy activities cannot have input/output nodes (//CCR Error Code: 167)

Check if in the process orders, the input components are attached to a PHASE and not to an OPERATION.  Also please check the recipe to ensure that the materials are all assigned to a valid phase.

1. Delete the queue

2. Assign the components to a phase

3. Run the R/3 report RCIFORDT for the process order or use the delta report and transfer the process order to the SCM system again.

Check note 1296927 for more details.

9) Command to tRFC qRFC  Execute LUW again


It appears when people (users) are working with the orders, so they have the order open in one of the systems and it is not possible to change the order.

Also check notes: 1823529 and 1853567

10) Connection Closed (No Data)  


It appears when there is some master data issue. Check if you find any issue related to Master data. Else, create new planned order, convert planned to process order and check in CQ, on the root cause of the error message.

11) An operation has more than one setup activity


This error comes when co-products or phantom product (having co-product) is assigned to setup phase or non-APO relevant phase (resulting in assignment in APO setup phase). In APO, phantom component assignment is considered for assignment of phantom BOM components. If GR processing time is maintained as non-zero value, system will include GR time in setup phase in APO, as the phantom /co-product is assigned to setup phase. Hence avoid/remove co-product/phantom Product assignment to
setup phase.


12) A setup activity is not at the start of a cover constraint chain


This error may come when all the phases of an operation in APO are setup phase.

13) A requirement quantity of zero is not allowed


This error may occur when component of the planned order qty is zero due to dependent demand less than 3 decimal place. SAP standard does not allow more than 3 decimals for dependent demand. In order to fix this, either increase the planned order quantity (so that dependent demand is more than 0.001 units) OR the base unit of measure for component (where it is below 3 decimals place), change the base unit of measure to lower unit. Eg: instead of Kg, use Gms.

14) Distribution rule could not be created automatically


We may get this error, if in the co-products distribution is not defined in Material master.

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