SAP Learning Blog Posts
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Here at SAP Education, we’re always talking about the importance of certification and the steps we are taking to increase the relevance and visibility of SAP certification.  We feel that being certified is the best way to prove your credentials and a recent SAP User Group poll agreed with us, saying that over 80% of companies valued certification when recruiting consultants for their projects.

However, what SAP Education thinks about certification is only one side of the coin.  We would really like to hear about your SAP certification success story.  With over 400,000 people certified in SAP solutions we would like to hear how gaining your certification has helped you in your career path. Whether it is getting that first step on the ladder, moving up within your current organisation or getting that new dream job you’d always been after, we’d love to hear your story.

Share Your Certification Story with the World

SAP Education wants you to have the chance to tell other people about your success and also the success of SAP Certification  We love video and we’d love for you to upload a short clip (30-60 seconds) to YouTube telling us Your Certification Success Story

Be sure to tell us:

  • your name
  • which SAP solution(s) you certified in
  • where you took your certification exam
  • how certification has helped you in your career 

Your video doesn’t need to be professionally shot, using your smart phone or video mode on a camera should ensure good enough quality, or alternatively a webcam on your computer would do. You can shoot yourself at arms length or ask a friend to video you - it’s the content and your enthusiasm we’re looking forward to seeing!

Please add the link to your video to the comments field below so we can view your video.  Even better, if you’re on Twitter, tweet your video using the hashtag #yourcertstory.  If we like your story, we’ll re-tweet you to thousands of followers worldwide.

We will review all submitted videos, and will select the strongest videos and stories for use in an SAP Education video we are looking to create and we would also post our favourite videos on our official YouTube channel (*we would of course ask your permission before using your video as part of any official SAP video)

If you don’t want to upload a video, simply add your comments below the line telling us all about ‘Your Certification Success Story’. We look forward to hearing from you!