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Marketers and businesses everywhere have spent years under the reign of the all powerful ruler that we refer to as Content.

We are constantly searching for great content and refining our content marketing strategies because as you know - not just any old content will do. So it comes as no surprise that at times, we may lose our mojo, the creative well may seem dry and as a result, so does the content.

And with content at the heart of every good pull marketing strategy, this is not an ideal situation. So in those times when creating content seems as magical as pulling a rabbit out of an invisible hat, there are a few questions that you can ask yourself that will help you get your content marketing back on track.

  1. Who are my clients? If you already have your marketing personas carefully scripted out, go back to them. Think again, have their needs changed? What are their business pains? Can you still provide a solution? And importantly, have you really been considering your targets when creating your content? If not, then there’ll be a whole lot you can do to give your content marketing some clear direction. If you don’t have a clear idea of who your clients are - now’s the time to map them out.
  2. Is my content treating all my clients the same? If your content isn’t tailored to your varied client base then you are missing a trick! Content is cheap and easy to tailor to specific audiences.
  3. Why will they listen to me? What do you offer that makes people want to listen and how will your content benefit them? The average prospect doesn't want to hear a sales pitch, so what can you provide that will break down those walls and grab their attention? Authentic, intelligent and educational content is a great way to attract new clients, and keep them.
  4. What common questions do customers ask you? If you’re always getting emails or telephone calls requiring you to explain a product or service use these to form great content.
  5. What search terms are leading people to your website?  Use these to create content that answers their questions, but keeps them coming back for more.
  6. What has been popular in the past? Remember that blog that got 2,000 shares six months back? Is it still relevant? Or could you update it and share it again? Think about the lifespan of your content - are they all one hit wonders, or do they have a longer shelf-life? Why not consider writing new posts on topics that have proved popular? If they’re still getting hits then it makes sense to provide your prospects with the great content that they’re looking for.
  7. What’s new? This could include products, services, research and developments, but don’t limit it to just your news. How about relevant industry news? Is there a great new service that you can’t wait to try out? Or have you just used a new type of social media technology for the first time? Tell your readers about it!
  8. How are you different from your competitors and how can you show that? Stand out from the crowd and show your customers that there’s something different about your company, you aren’t likeall the rest.
  9. Do my prospects have the chance to engage? Fundamentally content is about starting conversations, so If you aren’t giving people the opportunity to get involved then you won’t be having as many conversations as you’d like. Try to make conversation, and invite people to read what you’ve written.
  10. What do you want them to do at the end? Do you want potential clients to leave your page, or do you want them to download an eGuide? A simple call to action, a comment asking people to get in touch with their views, and at the very least, social share buttons are the next step in the lead nurturing funnel of love.

Questions aside, there are a few other things to consider when putting together content that will generate leads and secure new business.

IT Company Tweets Photo of Duck Riding a Skateboard

Yes it’s cute, but will tweeting and sharing irrelevant content pack any punch with your prospects? Sadly, I don’t think it will - so keep it relevant. Don’t create bad content for the sake of having content, make sure that it adds value to you as a company and it brings value to your prospect, because even if bad content gets them to the page - it won’t keep them there.

Be Memorable

Create content that people will want to read about, talk about, and share. Be interesting, educational, informative and as far away from a sales pitch as you can possibly be and always include social sharing tools. Sharing is caring and creating content people want to shout out about is the best way to secure new clients.

Is This The End?

I’m afraid not, and these tips won’t turn you into a modern day Shakespeare, but what they will do is help you develop ideas and pull new customers to your website - and fundamentally, that’s what content is about.