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  • 2 times quantity of sender asset is updated into receiver asset in transfer posting (T-code: ABUMN) 


  • SAP Release Independent
  • SAP R/3 Enterprise PLM, SCM, Financials Extensions 

Reproducing the Issue

  1. You have set field ‘Quantity’ and field ‘Unit of measure’ like below in asset master data screen layout via IMG: Asset Accounting -> Master Data
    -> Screen Layout -> Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data -> Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data -> Select layout XXXX -> Double
    click on ‘Logical field groups’ -> Select logic filed group 1 ‘General data’ -> Double click on ‘Field group rules
  2. In sender asset master data, you have set quantity '3' in field ‘Quantity’ (ANLA-MENGE) and unit 'PC' in field ‘Base Unit of Measure’ (ANLA-MEINS) for
    example via T-code: AS02
  3. In transfer posting (T-Code:ABUMN), you select option ‘New asset’ -> click on button ‘Master data’ in section ‘transfer to’ and then select option ‘refer asset’ -> input sender asset as reference asset in section ‘Reference’.
  4. After saving the transfer posting, you found the amount in field ‘quantity’ of receiver asset (T-code:AS03) was updated in 6, which is 2 times of sender asset’s quantity. 


This symptom is caused by that the setting of field ‘Copy’ in field group 06 ‘Quantity’. Owing to this setting, the quantity ‘3’ of sender asset will be copied into receiver asset when receiver asset is created in transfer posting by referring sender asset. Afterwards, acquisition transfer to receiver asset will add sender asset’s quantity 3 to the existing quantity ‘3’ of receiver asset. That’s why the quantity in receiver asset gets 6 after transfer posting. This is standard system behavior. You can refer to F1 help of field ‘Quantity’ (ANLA-MENGE) for additional information.



You can remove the flag on field ‘Copy’ in field group 06 ‘Quantity’ and then post asset transfer.  The quantity in receiver asset will not be updated during receiver asset creation but will be updated by acquisition transfer only. In above case, the quantity amount in receiver asset will be 3, which is same with sender asset.


For more information, you can refer to KBA 1899416