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Hi Folks

Many times I have the “pleasure” of applying patches on a lazy system. Don’t you? It’s frightening see that there aren’t errors, everything is working but so slowly that you would like to tear your hair!

Don’t PANIC if you get this dump applying the SPAM. You get a timeout or the tp/R3trans had frozen. You cannot execute SPAM transaction so you have to do a trick to sort this.

Yes, Yes of course the common sense … If you are implementing new software do a backup before.

SAP Best Practices guide you that before apply new Support Packages you should:

     1.- Upgrade your Kernel Release ( if your release is older than  6 months )

     2.- Upgrade the SPAM level ( always the last version released )

     3.- (optional) If your database on archive mode you should disable it.

First of all you should keeping mind what SPAM/SAINT do when you install a Support Package:

A Support Package is at least an “Transport Request” so all the phases must be well know.

What do a Transport Request? What is the process that starts the import? What to check in case of errors?

Direct use of R3trans is not supported by may be required in exceptional cases. R3trans should always be used thougth tp.

Well first of all you must check if the tp import log to see if the TR is running or not:

STMS-> Overview -> Imports

And then Go to -> tp System Log

Select the SID

You will see something like this:

START INFORM SAP-SYSTEM OF <SID>  Q 20130807122214 TMSADM       hostname 20130807122207023

START tp_getprots          <SID> Q      20130807122214              TMSADM       hostname 20130807122207023

STOP  tp_getprots          <SID> Q      20130807122217              TMSADM       hostname 20130807122207023

STOP INFORM SAP-SYSTEM OF <SID> Q 20130807122217 TMSADM       hostname 20130807122207023

In a nutshell:

     1.- Check tp System Log

     2.- See if there is tp/R3trans proceses running ( OS level )

     3.- See if the TR is running /usr/sap/trans/tmp ( you can find that the SupportPackage log from the tp )

     4.- If there aren’t tp/R3trans proceses running you may would like to restart the import of the TR:

    • Ensure that no more TP and R3trans are running at OS level
    • Ensure that the entry in the transport buffer for SAPKKD73150 is still available, check that with

tp showbuffer <SID> pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL tag=spam

If the entry of SAPKKD73150 is still available, ensure that TRBAT and TRJOB tables are empty (check at DB level)

    • Then start the main import manually using the command

               tp r3i SAPKKD73150 <SID> pf=/usr/sap/trans/bin/TP_DOMAIN_<SID>.PFL tag=spam -Dclientcascade=yes -Drepeatonerror=8

                    (all in one line)

Hope this helps you.

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