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The Hasso-PIattner-Institute Future Service Oriented Computing (SOC) Lab in Potsdam offers researchers free of charge access to a powerful infrastructure to conduct their research activities.

Over 130 research projects were supported by our lab since it was launched together with EMC, Fujitsu, HP, and SAP in 2010.

Highlights of our offerings include:

  • A 1000 Core compute cluster comprising 25 nodes of 40 cores and 1TB RAM each,
  • SAP HANA (SPS6), Suite on HANA, and BW on HANA.
  • HP Converged Cloud (32 blades à 12 Cores and à 64 GB RAM) private cloud solution,
  • Server systems with up to 64 cores and 2 TB of main memory,
  • GPU Computing system (latest NVIDIA Tesla K20X and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors)

  Topics of interest for the HPI Future SOC Lab include but are not limited to:

  • Service-oriented computing (SOC) and efficient management of concurrency and memory,
  • Cloud Computing for engineering and hosting distributed appli-cations,
  • New applications exploring new ways of data processing, such as in-memory technology,
  • Multicore architectures / GPU,
  • Hybrid Computing,
  • On-demand delivery models for business applications.

Researchers can apply to gain access to this infrastructure by submitting project proposals. Project proposals are reviewed and approved by a Steering Committee which is led by the head of HPI, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel, and which comprises representatives from HPI and the industrial partners, EMC, Fujitsu, HP, and SAP.

All proposals must be submitted by September 10th, 2013.

The Steering Committee decisions will be announced as part of the HPI Future SOC Lab Day on September 24th, 2013.

Projects are approved for the length of one FSOC Lab period, which starts September 25 and is approximately six months long. Proposals for follow-up projects can be submitted in subsequent call for projects, with the next one being published in spring 2014.

Please do not hesitate to get back to us in case of questions or comments.

Contact and Proposal Submission: futuresoc-lab-info(at)

Find more information about the lab and its offerings here:

Furthermore you are invited to attend to the HPI Future SOC Lab Day on September 24th in which researchers present and discuss the results of their projects.The agenda and registration details of this conference will be made available on our website soon.

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