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TYPES  : BEGIN OF ty_prn,   " This is a structure having three columns or pernr, suby and objps  pernr TYPE persno,  subty TYPE subty,  objps TYPE objps,

END OF ty_prn.


               <f2> type TABLE .

  data: dy_table type ref to data,

      dy_line  type ref to data,

      xfc type lvc_s_fcat,

      ifc type lvc_t_fcat.

data : idetails type abap_compdescr_tab,

       xdetails type abap_compdescr.

  data : ref_table_des type ref to cl_abap_structdescr.

DATA : prn TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_prn, " table and workarea of this type        wa LIKE LINE OF prn.

data : str TYPE STring.CONCATENATE 'PA' infotype INTO str. " concatenating PA as database table in HR ABAP have naming convention PAnnnnref_table_des ?=  cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( str ). " getting the structure of the table name dynamically  idetails[] = ref_table_des->components[].                                  " reading the columns name dynamicaly

    loop at idetails into xdetails.                                                    " loop at the columns name and passing these in  a field catalogue    clear xfc.    xfc-fieldname = xdetails-name .    xfc-datatype = xdetails-type_kind.    xfc-inttype = xdetails-type_kind.    xfc-intlen = xdetails-length.    xfc-decimals = xdetails-decimals.    append xfc to ifc.  endloop.

  call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table              "                exporting                  it_fieldcatalog = ifc               importing                  ep_table        = dy_table.    assign dy_table->* to <f2>.    " now we can directly select from table into this <f2> as any normal internal table.