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The SAP University Alliances will join the April 5th, 2013 SAP CodeJam in Chicago, Illinois hosted by America's SAP Users Group and the CodeJam Team.  Professors and students will participate in an exciting one day Jam on mobility where SAP professionals and ASUG members provide a 5 to 6 hour hands-on coding and networking event.  All attendees will share their mobility knowledge and collaborate to develop using SAP technologies.  CodeJams typically are limited to 50 participants, so if you are interested in participating as a professor or student you must not delay your registration.  Look for the SAP University Alliances CodeJam announcements coming to your email inbox.

Photo: Dr. Yuhong Yan, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Concordia University.Photo: University Alliances participants included faculty from HEC Montreal and Concordia University, as well as students from Concordia University and Universite du Quebec a Montreal.Photo: Mr. Jean-François Michon, Department of Information Technologies, HEC MontrealPhoto

Students and professors participated in a recent SAP University Alliances & SAP CodeJam event in Montreal, Canada.

