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OLI*BW where * is the Application number - It does not work all the times.

whenever I fill a setup table I will go through many threads in SCN and find the correct T-code.

So thought to share the list of T-Codes for filling setup tables here.

OLI1BWINVCO Stat. Setup: Material Movemts
OLI2BWINVCO Stat. Setup: Stor. Loc. Stocks
OLI3BWReorg.PURCHIS BW Extract Structures
OLI4BWReorg. PPIS Extract Structures
OLI4KBWInitialize Kanban Data
OLI6BWRecompilation Appl. 06 (Inv. Ver.)
OLI7BWReorg. of VIS Extr. Struct.: Order
OLI8BWReorg. VIS Extr. Str.: Delivery
OLI9BWReorg. VIS Extr. Str.: Invoices
OLIABWSetup: BW agency business
OLIBPURCHIS: StatUpdate Header Doc Level
OLIDSIS: Stat. Setup - Sales Activities
OLIEStatistical Setup - TIS: Shipments
OLIFBWReorg. Rep. Manuf. Extr. Structs
OLIGBWReconstruct GT: External TC
OLIHMRP Data Procurement for BW
OLIIBWReorg. of PM Info System for BW
OLIKBWSetup GTM: Position Management
OLILBWSetup GTM: Position Mngmt w. Network
OLIMPeriodic stock qty - Plant
OLIQBWQM Infosystem Reorganization for BW
OLISBWReorg. of CS Info System for BW
OLIXStat. Setup: Copy/Delete Versions
OLIZBWINVCO Setup: Invoice Verification

I will gather Extractor wise list of T-codes details and post in next post.

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