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SAP NEWSBYTE — September 7th, 2012 — Member faculties and partners of the SAP University Alliances program have gathered today at SAP Academic Conference EMEA in Dresden to exchange knowledge and discuss new topics on teaching and research with SAP software at universities and higher educational institutions. SAP Academic Conference EMEA is the annual conference for the members of SAP University Alliances program from all over Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, which is held this year at the Technical University in Dresden on September 6th-7th. Central Eastern Europe is the focus region of the event with faculties from Hungary, Poland, Serbia, and Slovenia participating in the conference.

Two new SAP University Alliances agreements are signed today during the conference: with the Faculty of Business Studies in Slovenia and the University of Aarhus in Denmark, which Jim Hagemann Snabe, the co-CEO of SAP, received his master's degree from. Yesterday evening one more agreement was signed on a joint master degree program with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa and the University of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg, Germany.

During the SAP Academic Conference lecturers and professors from member faculties in EMEA can learn and discuss the developments in SAP University Alliances program as well as the news from University Competence Centers at the Universities of Magdeburg, Munich, St. Petersburg, and Vienna. Other key topics in the conference agenda include SAP strategy in the areas of cloud computing and SAP HANA solutions, curriculum standards within the SAP University Alliances program, know-how and experience exchange and an overview of SAP activities in CEE region.

“I look forward to further development of the cooperation between the academic world and SAP in CEE countries” – said Manfred Joseph, CEO of the SAP CEE Market Unit. „SAP business in CEE is growing steadily, so are the benefits, that students and graduates can obtain by acquiring knowledge about enterprise applications market and skills in SAP’s game changing business solutions. In today’s competitive environment the cooperation with SAP can help universities get the best students on board as well as ensure that their graduates have unique knowledge to help them get better job offers.”

The SAP University Alliances program is a global initiative with more than 1,250 member educational institutions in over 50 countries. The program promotes a practical and future-oriented approach to university curriculum. It enables lecturers, professors, and over 200,000 students around the world to get better access to SAP solutions and innovative technologies. The program is aimed at universities and vocational schools who want to integrate SAP software in active teaching. The members of the SAP University Alliances program take advantage of University Competence Centers (UCC) who take over the complete operation and maintenance of SAP solutions so that lecturers can focus on teaching and research in their core areas. In addition UCC’s develop innovative teaching strategies, educate teachers in the train-the-trainer process and provide ready-to-use curricula. More about SAP University Alliances program can be found at the SAP Academic Community Portal at

Next year SAP Academic Conference EMEA will be held on September 19th-20th, 2013, in Munich, Germany. More information on SAP Academic Conference EMEA can be found at the conference website.

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Das Hochschulprogramm SAP University Alliances veranstaltet heute an der Technischen Universität Dresden eine akademische Konferenz für alle Mitglieder aus der Region EMEA (Europa, naher Osten und Afrika).

Dozenten der Mitgliedsinstitutionen in EMEA sowie Partner des Programms erfahren auf der  Konferenz Neuigkeiten aus dem SAP University Alliances Programm, und den Competence Center an den Universitäten in Magdeburg, München, St. Petersburg und Wien. Weitere Schwerpunktthemen der Konferenz bilden  die Cloud-Strategie der SAP und SAP HANA. Auch die Modellfirma Global Bike Inc., anhand derer die Curriculum Standards des SAP University Alliances Programms entwickelt werden, die Zertifizierungsprogramme für Universitäten und natürlich der Erfahrungsaustausch untereinander stehen auf der Agenda. Fokusregion ist in diesem Jahr Central Eastern Europe (CEE).

Im Rahmen der Konferenz finden Vertragsunterzeichnungen zwischen der SAP und der  Faculty of Business Studies, Slovenien, sowie der University of Arhus, Dänemark statt. Gestern unterzeichneten die CPUT Kapstadt, Südafrika, und die Fachhochschule Brandenburg im Rahmen einer Abendveranstaltung im Albertinum eine Vereinbarung über einen gemeinsamen Masterstudiengang. Der aufzubauende “Business Informatics” Studiengang an der CPUT schließt wissenschaftlich mit dem M.Sc. ab.

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