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Ranking functionality is not as straight forward when it comes to Crystal Reports. In webi we can directly use the Ranking option present in the toolbar to perform ranking. I had a requirement in my project to select top 10 records based on some measure value. There might be many solutions available, but I came up with the following one:

I have used the e-Fashion universe for demonstration purpose.


1) Create a simple crystal report using the fields as shown below:

2) Preview the report. The report will look like this:

3) Go to the Record sort expert and sort the Sales Revenue in descending order:

4) Create a new running total field “Test” with the following parameters:

·                               Field to summarize: Sales Revenue

·                               Type of Summary: Nth Largest

·                               N Is: 10 (as per requirement)

             Click Ok.

5) Drag that New running total field “Test” in the report and see the results. The report will look like:

6) Go to the Section Expert in the Report tab.

7) Select the details tab and edit the formula Suppress(No Drill-Down):

😎 Write the formula:

           {Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Sales_revenue} < {#Test}

Click Save & Close.

9) The report will look like:

10) Remove the running total field from the report as we don’t require it. Add the Record Number field from the Special fields & name it as Rank.

Thus we have a report showing only top 10 records revenue wise.

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