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Have you been following the @SAPCommNet Twitter channel lately? We know that the workdays can sometimes get pretty hectic, leaving little time to check into your favorite social media sites, so we've put together the top 4 tweets during July 2012 - just in case you missed them. (If you click on the images it will take you to the original tweets.)


HANA is always a popular topic but when bala.prabahar told us Why SAP-HANA Should Start Replacing BW! SCN members jumped right into the conversation on Twitter, as well as the SCN Facebook page.


Did you miss this webinar? Catch the replay: SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0 - Integration Update


Are you ready to discover the new way of coding with ABAP in Eclipse and SAP Netweaver 7.3?


This detailed SCN blog tells you which SAP Netweaver releases are compatible with ADT and even offers screenshots to help you navigate through the process.

These are our top tweets for July from @SAPCommNet - don't forget to follow us on Twitter to find all the most recent SCN content!