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I've been looking into how to remove functionality from the DHTML viewer for a customer in BOE XI 3.1. They wanted to remove as many of the buttons and features as possible for a particular user group. The best way that I found to do this was to use the Web Intelliegnce Extension Points functionality that was introduced in BOE XI 3.1 SP2.

You can customise the Webi extension points for both a Tomcat and IIS deployment even though the IIS deployment has not been documented. It took a whil eot find the solution.


To customise the DHTML viewer do the following:

  1. Navigate to the <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\Tomcat55\webapps\AnalyticalReporting\WEB-INF\classes folder on your BO server.
  2. Edit the file and set ALLOW_CUSTOMIZATION=yes
  3. Restart Tomcat
  4. Navigate to the <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\Tomcat55\webapps\AnalyticalReporting\viewers\cdz_adv\customize folder
  5. Edit the user.js file and add/uncomment the features that you wish to hide. The features are listed below.

























Note that it you wish to restrict these changes to a user group then you can add the user group as a parameter. For example:



To customise the DHTML viewer using extension points for a IIS deployment do the following:

  1. Navigate to <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Web Content\InfoViewApp\AnalyticalReporting\Viewer\customize and back up the files that are there (if any)
  2. Copy all of the files from <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\Tomcat55\webapps\AnalyticalReporting\viewers\cdz_adv\customise to <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Web Content\InfoViewApp\AnalyticalReporting\Viewer\customize
  3. Confirm that the user.js file contains the text listed in step 5 above from the Tomcat details. If it doesn’t then copy them in using this document
  4. Edit the user.js file so that the features that you wish to hide are uncommented from the file. If you wish to hide features only from a certain group then ensure that you specify the group by specifying the group name. For example:
    hide_ui_element("ALL_EXCEPT_REPORT","LMS LMSStudents");
  5. Navigate to <INSTALL DIRECTORY>\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Web Content\InfoViewApp\AnalyticalReporting
  6. Edit web.config
  7. Search for the section <WebiSettings>
  8. Insert this line:
    <add key="ALLOW_CUSTOMIZATION" value="yes" />
    before the </add> tag
  9. Save web.config
  10. Restart IIS. You can do this by typing ‘iisreset’ into the Start > Run command box

You will now find that the features and toolbars that you uncommented are now hidden in the report viewer.

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