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Table of Contents

1 Introduction

     1.1. About this Document

          1.1.1 Purpose

          1.1.2 Constraints

     1.2 Before You Start

          1.2.1 Important Documents

2 Apache Reverse Proxy (ARP) Configuration

     2.1 Planning

          2.1.1 Configuration sequence (Check List)

               2.1.2 Prerequisites

               2.1.3 Effort Estimation

     2.2 Preparation

          2.2.1 Check SAP Sourcing is installed and working

          2.2.2 Backup database and Sourcing home directory

          2.2.3 Backup of Cluster and Context current Configuration

          2.2.4 Backup of Directory Configuration

          2.2.5 Check ARP is installed and working

     2.3 ARP Configuration

          2.3.1 Edit ARP httpd.conf file (Main file required for ARP to run)

          2.3.2 Edit/create ARP map.txt file (File for balancing load across the servers)

          2.3.3 Edit/create ARP httpd-vhosts.conf file (File for Virtual host of ARP/ESO)

     2.4 Starting and Stopping ARP

     2.5 Testing ARP running with Virtual host

3 E-Sourcing Configuration

     3.1 Cluster Configuration

     3.2 Testing E-Sourcing with ARP

4 Reference

     4.1 SAP E-Sourcing


1 Introduction

This configuration guide describes the steps required to configure Apache Reverse Proxy (ARP) to SAP Sourcing/CLM and to achieve better results for load balancing

1.1. About this Document

1.1.1 Purpose

This document describes steps to configure Apache reverse proxy server with SAP Sourcing and Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) and to help get better results in load balancing.

1.1.2 Constraints

This guide assumes the necessary software components are already installed and therefore does not contain any software installation instructions.

1.2 Before You Start

1.2.1 Important Documents

You must understand complete SAP Sourcing Landscape and its working. Also you must have read and understand below documents before you start configuration.

  1. S.No



SAP Sourcing Installation Guide


SAP Sourcing Master Guide


Configuration Guide SAP Sourcing 7.0


SAP Blog Title: SAP Sourcing 5.1 /CLM Sizing and Load balancing

Link - http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/24589

2 Apache Reverse Proxy (ARP) Configuration

This section includes a list of all actions you have to perform. The actions are in chronological Order, so that you can work through them like a checklist.

2.1 Planning

When planning for Load balancing for SAP Sourcing/CLM, you have to take the following into Consideration:

2.1.1 Configuration sequence (Check List)

    1. Check SAP Sourcing is installed and working
    2. Backup database and Sourcing home directory
    3. Take screenshots of Cluster and Context current Configuration
    4. Take screenshots of Directory Configuration
    5. Check ARP is installed and working
    6. Configure ARP for Load Balancing and Virtual host
    7. Testing ARP running with Virtual host
    8. E-Sourcing Configuration
    9. Testing E-Sourcing with ARP

2.1.2 Prerequisites

The SAP E-Sourcing software must be installed and configured to begin the upgrade.

2.1.3 Effort Estimation


                    Technical Effort Estimation


1 days

ARP Configuration

2 days

Cluster Configuration and Testing

1 days

Note: Effort estimation is only for step provided with this document. Installation of ARP and E-Sourcing should be considered separately.

2.2 Preparation

In preparation for the ARP Configuration with SAP Sourcing, you must ensure that the following prerequisites have been met:

  1. Check SAP Sourcing is installed and working
  2. Backup database and Sourcing home directory
  3. Backup of Cluster and Context current Configuration
  4. Backup of Directory Configuration
  5. Check ARP is installed and working

2.2.1 Check SAP Sourcing is installed and working

To Check SAP Sourcing is installed and working properly, follow the below steps

    1. Log in to system with “Enterprise” or “Administrator” user
    2. Go to Setup > System Administration > System Management >System Information and click “OK”


2.2.2 Backup database and Sourcing home directory

Take a backup of database and sourcing home directory before starting upgrade process, If will be used to revert the changes if upgrade fails. Also old configuration can be restored like system properties, SSO configuration, User ID/password, etc.

2.2.3 Backup of Cluster and Context current Configuration

In case if we want to revert our configuration Cluster and Context current configuration screenshots should be taken. Follow below steps to take the screenshots

    1. Open Link: http(s)://<host.domain.com>:<Port>/sourcing/fssystem/portal/login
    2. Log in to system with “system” user and Password (Default password : “manager”)
    3. Click on Enterprise Context and take screen shot (Repeat for all context)
    4. After Context screenshot go to cluster configuration and take screenshots of all the clusters

2.2.4 Backup of Directory Configuration

In case if we want to revert our configuration directory current configuration screenshots should be taken. Follow below steps to take the screenshots

    1. Open Link: http(s)://<host.domain.com>:<Port>/sourcing/fsbuyer/portal/login
    2. Log in to system with “enterprise” user and Password
    3. Go to Setup > System Setup > Configuration > Directory Configuration
    4. Click OK
    5. Select directory and take screenshots (repeat for every directory)

2.2.5 Check ARP is installed and working

Before changing any configuration on E-Sourcing side confirm ARP is installed and httpd process are running fine on Apache Server. To check ARP is installed and working fine follow the below steps

    1. Login to ARP server with “root” or “Administrator” user
    2. Type command and output should be similar to screenshot below
    3. Command: ps -eaf |grep httpd
    4. Go to /etc/httpd/Apache2.2.19/httpd-2.2.19/bin
    5. Run ./apachectl -t and output should be as below screenshot


2.3 ARP Configuration

This section show configuration related to Apache reverse proxy server. Before starting ARP configuration ensure that planning and preparation steps are completed successfully.

2.3.1 Edit ARP httpd.conf file (Main file required for ARP to run)

Include all the ARP modules as required for your landscape. Also include any other file required for load balancing. Follow below steps to edit httpd.conf file

    1. Login to ARP server with “root” or “Administrative” user
    2. Go to /etc/httpd/Apache2.2.19/httpd-2.2.19/conf
    3. Make a backup of httpd.conf file
    4. Edit httpd.conf and add modules, text as below screen shot
    5. Save the file


2.3.2 Edit/create ARP map.txt file (File for balancing load across the servers)

    1. Create a map.txt file in /etc/httpd/Apache2.2.19/httpd-2.2.19/conf/extra
    2. Add following content in map.txt file  (ES1 and ES2 are E-Sourcing servers for load balancing)
    3. Save the map.txt file


2.3.3 Edit/create ARP httpd-vhosts.conf file (File for Virtual host of ARP/ESO)

    1. Go to /etc/httpd/Apache2.2.19/httpd-2.2.19/conf/extra
    2. Make a backup of httpd-vhosts.conf
    3. Edit httpd-vhosts.conf
    4. Save httpd-vhosts.conf


2.4 Starting and Stopping ARP

This steps will activate changes made to ARP recently in above steps. After any changes made in ARP config files ARP restart is mandatory step. Follow the below to restart ARP server

  1. Go to /etc/httpd/Apache2.2.19/httpd-2.2.19/bin
  2. Run ./apachectl -t and output should be as below screenshot
  3. If Syntax is OK run ./apachectl -k stop to stop ARP server
  4. Run ./apachectl -k start to start the ARP server

Note: If Syntax is not OK; Check logs and resolve any issue before stopping ARP

2.5 Testing ARP running with Virtual host

This step is to test ARP configuration is for load balancing and virtual host is working fine. To test ARP is running with virtual host follow below steps.

  1. Open Internet browser on your system
  2. Type URL http://hostname.domain.com:80/ in internet browser
  3. E-Sourcing login page should be open and URL should change as below


Note: If above test fails, check ARP logs and troubleshoot

3. E-Sourcing Configuration

This section describes the required steps you need to perform for activate load balancing on E-Sourcing. These steps will also activate to login into E-Sourcing via virtual host name of ARP. Ensure that all the above steps are completed successfully before changing E-sourcing configuration

3.1 Cluster Configuration

To enable load balancing on E-Sourcing via ARP follow below steps

  1. Open Link: http(s)://<host.domain.com>:<Port>/sourcing/fssystem/portal/login
  2. Log in to system with “system” user and Password (Default password : “manager”)
  3. Click on Enterprise Context and Click “edit”
  4. Change hostname and port to point to ARP (as shown in figure)
  5. Click Add at cluster members field
  6. Add ES1 as cluster members and click “OK”
  7. Repeat step 5 and 6 for ES2 server
  8. Uncheck Enable load balancing on this cluster
  9. Click “save”

3.2 Testing E-Sourcing with ARP

To test E-Sourcing configurations with ARP follow below steps.

  1. Open Internet browser on your system; Type URL http://hostname.domain.com/ in internet browser
  2. Login with “enterprise” user or some other user.

Note: If you are able to login test is successful

4 Reference

4.1 SAP E-Sourcing

The following references can be found at http://service.sap.com/srm-inst under SAP E-Sourcing/SAP CLM:

  • Master Guide for SAP Sourcing/SAP CLM
  • Installation and Configuration Guide for SAP Sourcing and SAP Contract Lifecycle Management
  • Configuration Guide SAP Sourcing 7.0
  • SAP Blog Title: SAP Sourcing 5.1 /CLM Sizing and Load balancing

      Link - http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/24589

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