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Sometimes there comes situation where the job doesn’t progress with further steps in the Job log and it remains on hold for long time (even for several hours). So if the job doesn’t proceed with the further steps, it is required to check the status of that particular job at application server level. This document includes the step by step procedure to check the job status.

Use: To check the status of the job in the application server level. 


  1. Call T-Code: SM37 > Enter ‘Job name’ and let the username be ‘*’. Select Active job > Execute

                                                        Figure 1
  2. Double click on the job name > Job details > Copy Executing server and WP number/PID.

                                                               Figure 2
  3. Now Click on ‘Application servers’ as shown in Figure 3. Double click on the server which was copied in step 2.

                                                  Figure 3

                                  Figure 4                                                                                  

  4. Search for the required job based on the Work process and Process ID number which was copied in step 2.

                                                                    Figure 5
  5. Check the status of the job. It should be in ‘Running’ state. Double click on it and check whether the number of records read are changed in Database level. If it changing then we can say that we have no issues with that job.

                                                   Figure 6
  6. But here in figure 5 it is ‘On Hold’. Double click on it and check the reason for it. If it is On Hold for longer time period, cancel the job (based on PID and WP) and proceed accordingly.
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