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These TAGs were presented about 10 years ago as an alternative, not to say substitution, to the barcode tags now will have its production feasible due to a program from the Government called, Brasil-ID.

It consists of a small patch of metallic material that works as a ROM. This ROM is supposed to be read by radio-frequency devices and, will carry all the product information for its identification and tracking. It will become the product DNA. One of the facilities it will bring is that it can be read from a longer distance than the barcode, from a sensors portal, for example. Unfortunately, It hasn’t caught on yet due to its price in relation to the barcode.

In August 2009, the Brazilian Government created the Brasil-ID project that uses the RFID together with some other technological apparatus, will  identify, track and  authenticate the products when they are in transit. This will top off the world’s biggest B2B - Nota Fiscal Eletrônica. A pilot project involving around 80 enterprises will be held from the end of 2012.

The benefits come from all sides: for the companies, the RFId will reduce costs of insurance, and enhance the storage, distribution and logistics. For the Government, it will provide better control manufacturing, commercialization, goods transit and finally, the cost reduction and geo physical analysis for a product sales.

More details are still to be defined by the organizers of the project.