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Need to achieve dynamic sorting based on user choice i.e. sorting the records based on user specified field and in user specified order 


Step 1: Create a parameter called 'par_DynamicSort' which contains the field name on which user needs the sorting and sort order can be either "ASC" or "DESC" separated by "~" operator 

 Ex: "EMP_ID~ASC" 

Step 2: Create a formula called 'fr_Txt_Sort_Col' and extract the sort column from 'par_DynamicSort' parameter and assign data base field to sort_col variable

@fr_Txt_Sort_Col formula can be written as follows: 


if sort_col ="EMP_ID" then totext({COMMAND.EMP_ID},"###########")

else if sort_col = "EMP_NM" then {COMMAND.EMP_NM}

else if sort_col = "JOIN_DT" then totext({COMMAND.JOIN_DT},"yyyyMMdd")

else if sort_col = "EMP_LOCATION" then {COMMAND.EMP_LOCATION}

else totext({COMMAND.EMP_SAL},"###########.####"); 

Step 3: Create a 'Group' with group key as 'fr_Txt_Sort_Col'

Step 4: Create a formula called 'fr_Lbl_Sort_Typ' to extract the sort order from 'par_DynamicSort' parameter 


stringvar sort_type;

sort_type:=right({?par_DynamicSort},(Length ({?par_DynamicSort})-instr({?par_DynamicSort},"~")));

Step 5: In the 'Change Group Options' we need to write below formula under 'Use Formula as Group Sort Order'.

if {@fr_Lbl_SortType}='ASC' then




If par_DynamicSort parameter value is 'EMP_ID~DESC' then report data will be sorted in descending order of EMP_ID