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In this blog I will talk a bit about the cooperation with SAP during the project. In the process of The diary of a BW 7.3 Ramp-Up project (Part 1) and The diary of a BW 7.3 Ramp-Up project (Part 2) the project we also had some consultants from SAP on board. One to review the architecture and a so called Ramp-Up Coach. The first one was only there for one day and we had a good discussion explaining out thoughts and getting back some pretty good ideas of which one (force deltas from one to another dso while data should be consolidated into a third dso) was adopted and implemented a few times. I will talk about this one when I come to the technical details in the next blog. The Ramp-Up Coach was mainly focused on getting us in contact with the development department in case of finding the best solution for a task as well as for priorizing our error messages in the service market place. In our project he did nothing else than priorizing our messages. This isn't meant negative in any way and our Ramp-Up Coach was very successful doing this because most of our error messages were solved within a few days.

Our experience with the new system was quite good. Of course the were some issues, but no show stoppers. Most of the issues were just handling things. May be others had more errors, specially if they did an upgrade from 7.x or earlier. So they are invited to tell their experience here also. I need to say that SAP did a great job and delivered a pretty usable product.

As already mentioned, my next blog will be about some of the technical details of the project --> what we did for the file interface, which methods we used in the routines of the different layers and how every developed object gets checked automatically before it gets transported. Unfortunately this blog will take some time, as I am on vacation for the next 3 weeks. But anyway: anybody will be invited to post his experience, good or bad, with BW 7.3 here.