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0 Kudos

O.k., here is the rest of the videos I recorded at the Eclipse DemoCamp in Walldorf.

I was not sure if I should publish all remaining videos at once or not. On the one hand, most people won't have the time to watch all the videos at once. Thus, posting the videos one by one would have given people the opportunity to watch something new every day or every week.

On the other hand, the Eclipse DemoCamp series has just started and therefore the demos are cool and hot now, and people are looking for the videos as I write these words. Therefore, I decided to publish all the remaining videos at once with this blog post. It makes it also easier for people to find, promote and reference the videos of the demos.

BTW, in case you haven't seen the other DemoCamp videos yet, you can find them in Eclipse DemoCamp Walldorf Videos - Part 1.


Michael Scharf (Wind River): A new View on Tables -- a flexible framework to show tabular data in SWT Tables and Trees

Achim Demelt (eXXcellent solutions): Modeling is fun!

Jochen Hiller (Deutsche Telekom AG), Frank Gerhardt, Gerhardt Informatics: Dynamic OSGi application using Equinox

Elmar Eperiesi-Beck (CORISECIO): Equinox based SOA Security Framework - a future Eclipse Project

Gunnar Wagenknecht (AGETO): Equinox on Servers - An introduction to the Eclipse Gyrex project

Marcus Harringer (MicroDoc GmbH): Virtual Embedded Devices with OSGi, Eclipse and Flash

Guy Philipp Bollbach (itemis): TMF Xtext: a self-experiment

