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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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OK, after a brief deter to discuss the Support Platform and its portal Content Reports, I'm back to fulfill my promise to provide details about the other new features in SPS 15. For a list of the features, see my recap weblog New Goodies from the Portal (SPS 15) (New Goodies from the Portal (SPS 15)). Today, we are going to focus on the iView tray color. In essence, this features enables you to tag your iViews with a certain value, and then access the value within the Layout tag library and use it while creating the page's layout and iView tray. The main purpose was to set a color for each type of iView, and then use this color to set the background color of the iView tray, which you customize using the Layout tag library. Content administrators can set the +Family+ ( attribute of an iView (for example, to +HR+). When the iView is displayed, the background color of the iView tray for this iView is set to the corresponding color for +HR+ iViews.

h3. Here's How It Works Basically, there are just two steps for setting up this feature: * * Creating a custom layout (with a custom tray) h4. iView Families and Colors To set the possible values for the +Family+ attribute, use the PCD Inspector to change the meta-attributes for the +Family+ attribute in the core iView. The core iView is located at +portal_content --> --> default_objects -->