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Ruby on Rails is an exciting new (in an old sense) way of developing Web Services.  It neatly combines convention with Best Practice, to help reduce the drag on development with the removal of declaritive cruft, allowing you to concentrate on the specifics of your application.  What I want to achieve with this article, is to give you a taste for what Rails can do, and show how access to SAP business related functions can be easily integrated.


Rails takes full advantage of the dynamic scripting language Ruby, which allows you to make most changes to your code without server restart, or the requirement of deployment tools.  Ruby is a worthy contender in the rapid development space of web languages such as Perl and Python, with OO concepts built into the core, from the word go.  With a natural intuitive style, and powerful text processing capabilities - it has all the things necessary for easy but scaleable Web Service development.

Rails Convention

Naming standards are used to reduce the amount of configuration required eg: tables relate specifically to Models, Ruby class naming conventions map directly to Controllers, Actions, and Views. Typically - the only configuration required in a Rails application is to specify the database connection parameters. Unlike some frameworks, which require extensive configuration in various incarnations of XML.

Rails Best Practice

Rails adheres to the industry design standard that is MVC , giving good separation of the data model, the application flow control, and the presentation layer composition.

On top of this, the Rails framework offers standard ways of handling errors, and error notification, templating and page componentisation, and the ability to swap these presentation formulas for different delivery channels.

Rails also has built in AJAX support available, to take advantage of the latest interest in DHTML, and flicker-free user experience.

Rails fundamentals

In order to cover the Rails fundamentals, I am going to digress here for a minute - it is important to get your head round this so that we can see where SAP integration may fit in, so please bare with me.

As was previously mentioned, Rails used the design principals of MVC (Model, View, Controller).  These parts of the architecture are not configured, but are bound together through naming convention.  So, if we take the classic example application of the  Cookbook then the Recipe model has a module name of recipe.rb, the associated views are held in a directory ./app/views/recipe/[list|show|...].rhtml, and the controller is RecipeController in recipe_controller.rb.


Classic Rails applications are centred around the ActiveRecord suite. This manages connections to a given supported database (MySQL, Postgresql, Oracle etc.). It also takes care of the auto-discovery of tables and schema, and the mapping of row/column information to OO access routines for creating, updating, deleting, and interrogating data points.

Extending the reference to the Cookbook application - the Recipe object will, by convention, be expecting a recipes table. Rails does this all automatically with some clever gramatical interogation tricks (Recipe becomes recipe, becomes recipes).

This allows a basic Model complete with CRUD operations, to be a simple incantation like this: (Note: the belongs_to: declares the association with another Model for categories - ActiveRecord manages this relationship on the fly)

Figure 1 - Recipe Model

class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category


Methods of the comtroller class (RecipeController) become the actions available to the web application. These map directly to URI names. RecipeController#list maps to /recipe/list/.... (again evidence of convention over configuration).

As you can see from the sample Controller below - each method (Action) accesses the Model to invoke the appropriate business logic to obtain the relevent data. Then the appropriate flow control is exercised (do nothing means "render with the corresponding view", where as redirect_to changes the flow to another Action).

Figure 2 - Recipe Controller

class RecipeController < ApplicationController
layout "standard-layout"
scaffold :recipe

def new
@recipe =
@categories = Category.find_all

def index
render_action "list"

def list
@category = @params['category']
@recipes = Recipe.find_all



The action name (for a controller) specifies which rhtml template within a view, to pick for the rendering of the output. This can also be further "skinned" by the specification of a layout (an html super set wrapper that the content is inserted into) by the "layout" directive given in the controller (see above).

Figure 3 -list() Action => list view => list.rhtml




<% @recipes.each do |recipe| %>
   <% if (@category == nil) || (@category ==>
        <%= link_to recipe.title,
                   :action => "show",
                   :id => %>
        <font size=-1>

        <%= link_to "(delete)",
                    {:action => "delete", :id =>},
                    :confirm => "Really delete #{recipe.title}?" %>
        <%= link_to,
                    :action => "list",
          :category => "#{}" %>
      <td><%= %></td>
   <% end %>
<% end %>


Figure 4 - layout


Online Cookbook

   *<%= @content_for_layout %>*
     <%= link_to "Create new recipe",
                 :controller => "recipe",
                 :action => "new" %>
   <%= link_to "Show all recipes",
               :controller => "recipe",
               :action => "list" %>
   <%= link_to "Show all categories",
               :controller => "category",
               :action => "list" %>

Note: *@content_for_layout* determines where the body of each rendered template associated with an action is inserted.

Further reading and tutorials for Rails can be found at RubyOnRails .  There are several excellent primers including:

The Cookbook part 1 and part 2

The whole reference guide is available at API .

SAP on Rails

SAP on Rails focuses on providing an alternative type of Model template to the default - ActiveRecord.

This is done via SAP::Rfc which allows RFC calls to SAP from Ruby, with automatic handling of data types, and discovery
of interface definitions for RFCs.  Some of this has been covered in a previous  article , and on SDN .<br/>
The model templating class is SAP4Rails.  It's job is to automatically build up  connections to R/3, look up the interface definitions for the collection of associated RFCs, and to hold the attribute definitions for the given model.  This, coincidentally, corresponds to the SAP Business Objects view of the world in BAPIs.<br/>

Currencies and Exchange Rates

The example I have to work through is based on the two BAPI objects - Currency (BUS1090), and ExchangeRate (BUS1093).  These can be found using the transaction BAPI under "Basis Services / Communication Interfaces".  I have used these objects as they exist in my NW4 test drive system, so they should be available as a lowest common denominator across the board.  The complete example is available at exrates.tgz .  The walk through below is going to centre around the "list" action, of the exrate controller.  This will show how to generate a list of exchange rates out of SAP.  For this we will need to develop the Exrate Model, the ExrateController controller, and the list.rhtml view associated.  Download the entire application to see all the other controller/action functions including listing, and showing details of Currencies, and the list, show, and create of Exchange rates.

Figure 5 - Currency and ExchangeRate objects in the BAPI explorer

!|height=40px|width=50px|src=http://www.piershard... Click to view

Each method of a business object has an associated RFC - these are what get mapped into the Rails data model.

Figure 6 - GetCurrentRates of the ExchangeRate object maps to the RFC BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES

!|height=40px|width=50px|src=http://www.piershard... Click to View

Start developing the Rails application

First install SAP::Rfc for Ruby.  It is critical that this module is loadable in the Ruby library path - so check this first with: ruby -r "SAP/Rfc" -e 1 - this will give an error "ruby: No such file to load -- SAP/Rfc (LoadError)" if this module cannot be found.  If you have installed it in an unusal way, or location, then you can try setting the environment variable RUBYLIB to the relevent directory.

Next - start the project by building the basic framework - this is done using the Rails supplied tools - execute these commands to start it off:

rails Exrates
cd Exrates
./scripts/generate controller Exrate
./scripts/generate model exrate
./scripts/generate scaffold exrate

The file layout of the application is something like this (below). Some of the files shown we have yet to create/put in place.

Figure 7 - Application layout

./config/sap.yml <== RFC connection configuration
./lib/ - SAP::Rfc files installed here
./lib/SAP/Rfc.rb /
./lib/SAP4Rails.rb <== Data Model template SAP4Rails

Note: I installed SAP::Rfc into the ./lib directory along side SAP4Rails.rb - this is just a matter of preference.

Grab SAP4Rails.rb from here and place it in the

SAP4Rails - the Data Model

When ./scripts/generate model exrate is executed a number of files are created, including ./app/models/exrate.rb.  This contains the basic definition using ActiveRecord:

Figure 8 - Default Exrate code

class Exrate < ActiveRecord::Base

This needs to be changed to use SAP4Rails:

Figure 9 - Our Exrate code

require "SAP4Rails"
class Exrate < SAP4Rails
  1. You must define a list of RFCs to preload
  @@funcs = [

  1. You must define a list of attribute accessors to preload
  @@params = [ 'from',
  1. User defined instance methods here
  attr_accessor :message

  1. user defined Class methods
  class << self
    def list
      t =
      tday = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", t.year.to_i, t.month.to_i,
      RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn("[Exrate] date: " + tday) = tday
      return Exrate.BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES.exch_rate_list.rows()
The noticeable difference here is the two class attributes, @@funcs, and @@params.  As the comments suggest - these are how we tell SAP4Rails what RFCs need to be preloaded, and what attributes our model is going to have.  Technically speaking, this example does not need the @@params as this is used when building Rails update, and create features.
When the Exrate class is defined at run time, these values are processed and as the first method is accessed all of the RFC definitions, and attributes are loaded up.  The full definition can be found here .
However - before SAP4Rails can interact with an SAP R/3 system, we need to tell it how to connect to one.  This is done via a YAML based config file - ./config/sap.yml.

Figure 10 - RFC connection configuration

Create the file ./config/sap.yml with your connection settings, like this:

sysnr: "00"
client: "010"
user: developer
passwd: developer
lang: EN
trace: "1"

Note: these values are repeated for test and production.

SAP4Rails ensures that a separate RFC connection is created for each Model - this allows a separate SAP session context per data Model, which is useful for COMMIT related issues (transactions).

The Controller

When ./scripts/generator controller Exrate is executed, amoung other things, a file ./app/controllers/exrate_controller.rb containing ExrateController, is created.  The outline for this is:

Figure 11 - Default ExrateController code

class ExrateController < ApplicationController

We amend this with a directive for a layout to use (standard-layout), and methods index(), and list().

Figure 12 - Our ExrateController code

class ExrateController < ApplicationController
layout "standard-layout"

def index
render_action 'list'

def list
@exrates = Exrate.list()
RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn("[LIST] exchange rates: " + @exrates.length.to_s)

These correspond directly to the Actions index and list for the Controller exrate, which will map to a URI of /exrate/index and /exrate/list.
The Action index() is just like a redirect to list() (the list() action is executed and then rendered). Within list(), we see a call upon the class method of our Model Exrate - Exrate.list(). If we refer back to the code above for class Exrate, we can see the definition for list(). It calls upon a dynamic method BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES which gives us access to an object representation of the same-named RFC.

Figure 13 - Code from Exrate#list

t =
tday = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", t.year.to_i, t.month.to_i, = tday
return Exrate.BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES.exch_rate_list.rows()

Looking closer at the Exrate.list() call, we see the date parameter of the RFC being set to todays date, and then the call() being made, and finally exch_rate_list.rows() is returned.

Figure 14 - Inteface definition of BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES as seen in SE37

FUNCTION bapi_exchrate_getcurrentrates.
""Lokale Schnittstelle:

The interface definition for BAPI_EXCHRATE_GETCURRENTRATES (above - via transaction SE37) shows us that exch_rate_list is a table parameter, and the rows() method is returning an Array of table lines. SAP::Rfc takes care of all of this, including carving up the rows based on the table structure definition, making each line a hash of fieldname/value pairs.

Going back to the Controller - at this level, SAP RFC specificness has been abstracted away - the only hint is directly calling error methods (see the Exrate#save method definitition) - this is usually more concealed in ActiveRecord, because of the Database Schema related information being stored in the Model - this is a lot harder to achieve in relation to RFC calls, as the schema relating to an RFC is less definitive, than that of classic Rails database table design - see the Todo list, and Cookbook tutorials to get further details.  SAP4Rails uses the ActiveRecord::Errors class which is bound to an inherited attribute of the Model called @errors.  When the facilities of this class are used then error testing, recording, and then subsequent display is trivial with the inclusion of the error_messages_for directive in a view template (see fragment _form.rhtml via new.rhtml for exrate, and observe how the Exrate#save interacts with it).

Other than that - from here on in it is just plain Rails.

The Views

Now on to rendering the output.  The embedded Ruby code of the list.rhtml template gets executed in the context of the instantiated ExrateController, so it has access to all the attributes of that object.  In the interests of tidiness, I have put the column/field names relating to list() Array results in a Helper module ./app/helpers/exrate_helper.rb.  This is inherited by the controller at run time, so anything defined here is also available in the template.

Figure 15 - ExrateController helper module ExrateHelper

module ExrateHelper
  1. Fields for form output
  def formFields
    return    [ 'FROM_CURR',

There is so much going on within the template, but specific to our SAP4Rails example, we can see the code iterating over the attribute Array of @exrates - each element of which, holds a hash of field/value pairs. This is where the field names from formFields() are also iterated over to print out the columns.

Figure 16 - exrate template list.rhtml

Listing Exchange Rates

<%= link_to 'Currencies', :controller => 'currency', :action => 'list' %>
  <!-- get fields from ExrateHelper -->
  <% formFields.each {|key| %>
    <th><%= key %></th>
  <% } %>
  <% for exrate in @exrates %>
    <% formFields.each {|val| %>
      <% if val == "FROM_CURR" or val == "TO_CURRNCY" %>
        <%= link_to exrate[val], :controller => 'currency', :action => 'show',
                                    :id => exrate[val].strip %>
      <% else %>
        <%=h exrate[val] %>
      <% end %>
    <% } %>
    <%= link_to 'Show', :action => 'show', :id => exrate['RATE_TYPE'].strip + ':'
                   + exrate['FROM_CURR'].strip + ':' +
                     exrate['TO_CURRNCY'].strip %>
    <%= link_to 'Edit', :action => 'new', :id => exrate['RATE_TYPE'].strip + ':'
                   + exrate['FROM_CURR'].strip + ':' +
                     exrate['TO_CURRNCY'].strip %>
  <% end %>

And with that - here are the results.

Figure 17 - Listing Exchange Rates - rendered list.rhtml

In conclusion

The approach laid out in this article, has enabled a high level of integration with the Rails framework.  The amount of code required to make this possible (SAP4Rails.rb) is less than 130 lines, which I think is testimony to how flexible, and well designed Rails is.  Further more - in the data Models shown, the heavy lifting of wrestling with RFC parameters, and their associated data types has been made trivial with SAP::Rfc and it's auto-interface-discovery features.  Have a closer look at the resources included (see above) - and you can see why Rails is creating such a storm in the world of Open Source, and making waves in the "Traditional Commercial Web development" Arena.

Now you can get on track with your Web Services development. :smile:

Note: since this was first published, SAP4Rails has moved on, and is now available as a separately installable module which you can get from here.  A modified version of the Exrates example is held within the source package.