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Community Manager
Community Manager
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So with that little lead in I wrote for this weblog you are probably on the edges of your seat in anticpation of some marvelous revelation or something along those lines.

Well what I want to bring to everyone's attention is something that happened to me at SDN Meets Labs in Walldorf and has lead to something BSP In-Depth: Model Data Binding. I was approached at the end of my presentation by someone, I recognized his face from the weblogs and I sat there wondering OK, he wasn't n my session so maybe he wants to ask me something or tell me something. He started in on me about my BSP tutorial series and how I left something HUGE out! After a little bit of talking and explaining to him the hows and whys of my series we decided it was time to join forces and talk about the next big topic to be covered. He put in a lot of effort and it was a pleasure to work with him and I think we've manged to produce a really good article together, so check it out!

BSP In-Depth: Model Data Binding

Now this isn't the first instance where two or more SDNers have come together to create something and I certainly hope it isn't the last time. The SDN community is a unqiue one in that it's very open, forgiving, wanting and demanding, but all of it happens with a smile on everyones face and a desire to help in mind.

Take a look at some of the examples of a community coming together and think about it, because if the BOF sessions are available and I manage to get to TechEd (and of course have my session picked) I'll want to talk to you about it.

Or maybe you saw this little item on the Technologies homepage?

SDN Community Generates Gale-Force Interaction
07 Jul 2005
Certified SAP consultant Prakash Singh created the winds of change in a blog about Create a weather magnet  using xml feed from Caught up in the gust, application developer Thomas Jung showed BSP: Create a weather magnet using xml feed from Rick Fleischman of Zend Technologies threw caution to the wind by offering a prize to the first to develop a PHP version. Finally, SAP developer Weather Magnet was announced by web developer Craig Cmehil.

Update: Astill deferred his claim to the prize, instead choosing to inspire development. Stay tuned for his more about his "fill-in-the-blanks" contest, and the chance to gain Zend prizes and SDN recognition.

All examples of a community coming together!