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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
UPDATE: We have recently simplified the installation of Cloud Connector and Cloud Agent with the release of SAP Analytics Cloud Agent Simple Deployment Kit.  This deployment kit installs the Cloud Connector, Tomcat, deploys the Cloud Agent and sets up other configuration settings.  Customers looking for customized setup of Cloud connector, Tomcat and Cloud Agent can continue to follow this blog.


SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) allows for data acquisition from various on-premise solutions, including BI4.x universes, SAP BW, OData, SAP ERP, SAP BPC MS, JDBC sources, and SAP BPC NW.  This blog will cover how to setup HANA Cloud Connector and SAP Analytics Cloud Agent to allow SAP Analytics Cloud to acquire data from these sources.  Typically this setup would be done by someone in IT.  After the HANA Cloud Connector and SAP Analytics Cloud Agent have been setup inside your organization, your business users can access on-premise data.  To allow for this you will need to complete the following tasks:

  1. Install and initial configuration of SAP HANA Cloud Connector

  2. Deploy SAP Analytics Cloud Agent

  3. Optionally deploy SAP JCO connectors for BW and ERP connectivity

  4. Configure Access Control in SAP HANA Cloud Connector

  5. Configure SAP Analytics Cloud Agent in your SAC tenant

Note: SAP BPC NW and on-prem ODATA services do not require deployment of SAP Analytics Cloud Agent.  For SAP BPC NW and ODATA connectivity from SAP Analytics Cloud follow the sections on Install and initial configuration of SAP HANA Cloud Connector and Configure Access Control for BPC and ODATA section under Configure Access Control in SAP HANA Cloud Connector.

Install and initial configuration of SAP HANA Cloud Connector

In order to configure SAP HANA Cloud Connector (HCC), the SCP account name and S-User credentials are required for the SCP instance where your SAC tenant is running. To obtain this information:

Log into SAP Analytics Cloud and access System >> Administration

Under Datasource Configuration tab click the pencil icon on the top right corner of the page to enable editing the information on the page.

In the Enter your email text box, type in an Email that is already associated with a user in SAP Cloud Platform and click Add Cloud Platform User.  If you don't have a Cloud Platform user, use the "SAP Cloud Platform account" hyperlink on the screen and register a new account using your email.

The UI will show the information required to configure SAP Cloud Connector.  Make note of the Subaccount, Region Host and Subaccount User information.

Install HANA Cloud Connector

NOTE: HANA Cloud Connector needs to be installed on a machine on the same network where your on-premise systems like BW, BI4 etc. reside.  The HANA Cloud Connector also needs to be able to communicate with the datacenter where your SAP Analytics Cloud tenant resides.  A detail list of pre-requisites is available at the link below:

Access and download SAP JVM 8.  I used JVM 8 on my system but you can also leverage your existing JVM 7, or JVM 8 installation.  Check the pre-requisites on the link above for supported version of JVM.


Extract the zip file on the server where HCC will be installed.  I extracted mine under C:\SAPJVM\sapjvm_8

Download the latest version of HANA Cloud Connector installation appropriate for your OS distribution.  My install is on a Windows server hence the Windows MSI download.

Double click on the downloaded MSI file to launch the installation of HANA Cloud Connector and select an install folder.

Specify the JDK directory and complete the installation process.  Choose the option to start the HANA Cloud Connector after installation.

Initial Configuration of  HANA Cloud Connector

Launch https://<HCC host>:8443 to launch the HANA Cloud Connector configuration page. 

https://localhost:8443 can be used if accessing from the same machine where HCC is installed.

Ignore the certificate warning and continue to the site

Login with the default credentials of:

User: Administrator  //User is case sensitive

Password: manage

The default password will have to be changed after first login.

Once logged in, choose the option to Define SubAccount.

Specify the following information(retrieved earlier).

Landscape Host: <SCP Datacenter where your SAC tenant is running>
Account Name: <SCP account name>
User: <Your S-USER user>
Password: <S-USER password>

If you access the internet through a proxy, specify your proxy host and port number otherwise you can leave those blank.

The Location ID field is optional.  This field is only required if you plan to have more than one Cloud Connector configured with the same SAP Analytics Cloud instance.  If this is left blank, the default location will be used.

Save your configuration.


Confirm that the connector state shows as Connected.  You may have to hit the Connect button on the right of the screen.



Install Tomcat and deploy SAP Analytics Cloud Agent

Install Tomcat

Download Tomcat 8 for Windows from

Double click the downoaded Tomcat executable to launch the installation and accept the license agreement.

On the Choose Components screen, leave the default options

Specify the Tomcat ports to use.  Ensure there are no port conflicts with existing applications that may be running on your system already.

Specify the path to your JVM folder.

Note:  You must use 64 bit JVM. In this case, we are using the same 64 bit SAP JVM that we use for HANA Cloud Connector configuration earlier.

Choose an Installation folder and click Install.

Click Finish to complete the install.

Launch Tomcat configuration to and update the JAVA Heap space allocation.  To launch, navigate to Tomcat installation directory and double click Tomcat8w.exe.

The default value for -Xms and -Xmx is usually 128MB, and 256MB respectively and is usually not sufficient.  Failure to increase these values will usually result in timeout errors when acquiring larger data sets into SAC.  Here I've set the values to 1024MB and 2048MB, but you may have to increase the Maximum Memory pool(Xmx) to even higher value in your landscape.

Deploy SAP Analytics Cloud Agent

 This step is not necessary if only connecting to SAP BPC NW from SAP Analytics Cloud.  Proceed to Configure Access Control in SAP HANA Cloud Connector section below and follow the steps specific to creating access control for SAP BPC NW.

The SAP Analytics Cloud Agent(SAAC Agent) is just a war file that can be deployed on Tomcat application server.  This can either be an existing Tomcat Java application server running in your environment or install(like I have done) a separate application server to deploy SAC Agent war file.  My recommendation would be setup a new Tomcat server to deploy the SAC Agent.  The main reason for this recommendation is that SAC Agent is being updated frequently to take advantage of the new connectivity types being offered in SAP Analytics Cloud.  As SAP Analytics Cloud is being updated frequently, the SAC agent must also be updated to keep pace with this innovation.  This means you may have to deploy a new SAC Agent war file every few weeks, which could result in taking a potential down time on running application server that may be hosting other apps.  To avoid impacting an existing production application server and potentially take a down time to deploy new war file, it’s advisable to setup a separate application server for SAC Agent deployment.

To download SAC Agent access

Click Access Downloads.


Search for "Analytics Cloud Agent" and click on the latest version available to download the file.


Extract the zip file and copy the C4A_AGENT.war file into tomcat webapps directory.  The war file will automatically deploy once Tomcat is restarted later.



Modify the tomcat-users.xml file under the tomcat conf directory using Notepad and add a new user with Services role.  The username/password used here will be required later when configuring the SAC Agent in SAP Analytics Cloud.  Type the following lines into the xml file and modify the username/password for your environment.

<role rolename="Services"/>

<user username="c4agent" password="Welcome1" roles="Services"/>

NOTE:  Do not copy and paste the lines above in the tomcat-users.xml file as I've heard the double quotes don't copy over properly.


Save the tomcat-users.xml file.  You will need to restart your Tomcat application server for the settings to take effect.  If you also plan on deploying the SAP JAVA Connectors, hold off on restarting the server until those files also deployed (see below).


Optionally deploy SAP JCO connectors for BW and ERP connectivity


Deployment of SAP Java Connectors is only required if you plan on using SAP BusinessObjects Cloud to acquire data from an on-premise BW or ERP systems.



Click on Software Downloads


Search for “java connector” and download the latest versions of 64 bit SAP JAVA Connector for the appropriate operating system.



Extract the downloaded zip file and copy sapjco3.dll and sapjco3.jar file into tomcat/lib directory



Restart Tomcat application server.


Configure Access Control in SAP HANA Cloud Connector


Launch https://<HCC host>:8443 to launch the HANA Cloud Connector configuration page.

http://localhost:8443 can be used if accessing from the same machine where HCC is installed.


Login with your credentials and select Cloud To On-Premise.  Click the + icon to add a new Access Control.



Choose Other SAP System as the Back-end Type


Select HTTP protocol.  Choose HTTPS if SSL configured on the Tomcat instance where the BOC Agent is deployed.



Enter the hostname (Internal Host) and portnumber (Internal Port) of the tomcat server where the SAC Agent is running.
The default tomcat http port is 8080 and the https port is 8443.



Optionally enter the Virtual hostname and port to use on the cloud side.  The defaults are the actual hostname and port specified in the previous step, but this can be changed so that the actual hostname and port is not visible in SAP Analytics Cloud.  The virtual hostname and port could be any name or port of your liking. The virtual hostname and port will be used later when configuring the SAC Cloud agent in SAP Analytics Cloud.



Choose None for the Principal Type.  The option to use Kerberos is a topic for later blogs.



Optionally add a description on the next screen and click Next.


Select the option “Check availability of internal host” to ensure the HANA Cloud Connector can access the C4A Agent.


Click Finish.



The HCC configuration screen should look similar to the one below.

Under Resources Accessible on <name of your agent> click + to add a new resource.



Set the URL PATH: /C4A_AGENT/ and choose the option Path and all sub-paths and click Save



Your HANA Cloud Connector screen should look like the screen below.  Your mapped system should be in green status.



Configure Access Control for BPC and ODATA

For BPC:

  • Virtual and Internal host = <Host name of a BPC NW>

  • Virtual and Internal port = <Port of a BPC NW>

  • URL path = /sap/bpc

  • Access policy = Path and all sub-paths


Add a new system mapping and resource with the following details:

  • Virtual and Internal host = <Host name of ODATA Service provider> 

  • Virtual and Internal port = <Port of ODATA Service provider>

  • URL path = /

  • Access policy = Path and all sub-paths


:Configure SAP Analytics Cloud Agent in your SAC tenant


Launch your SAC system (tenant) URL and log in with an account that has administrative access.

Access System >> Administration option


Click on the DataSource Configuration tab and click the edit button on the top right corner of the screen.  Under Default Location click + Add an agent. 



Enter the following information and click Create.

Host: <virtual hostname specified during the HANA Cloud Connector configuration>

Port: <virtual port specified during the HANA Cloud Connector configuration>

Username: <username specified in tomcat-users.xml file>

Password: <password specified in tomcat-users.xml file>


Click the Check Configuration button to validate the configuration.

Save your configuration. You are now ready to acquire data from on-premise BI4 universe, BW, ERP, JDBC, ODATA and BPC data sources.


Still having troubles setting this up?  Have a look at this handy troubleshooting guide created by one of my colleague:

Troubleshooting guide: SAP BusinessObjects Cloud Agent


To acquire data from a universe, have a look at Matt Pott's blog:

Using BI Platform Universes in Cloud for Analytics


For accessing on-premise system from SAP Analytics Cloud in online (i.e. no acquisition) mode, follow Dong Pan's blog post:

How to Setup Connection to a Remote HANA System
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

absolutely top-drawer enablement material !  cheers Harjeet

0 Kudos

Great article, thank you very much!

That clarifies a lot! 🙂

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Thanks for pulling this together in one post!

Former Member
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Excellent blog Harjeet.

A very clear and concise walk through of what is (IMO) a fairly bitty process.

Former Member
0 Kudos

thanks a lot for this complete and clear article.

Thank you very much!


0 Kudos

Excellent detail!  Thanks Harjeet!

0 Kudos

Great info as always, Harjeet.  Highly valuable for those SAP Enterprise BI customers who are looking to leverage the opportunities offered by SAP Cloud for Analytics.

0 Kudos

Awesome job Harjeet. Very detailed and lots of context to support it.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I updated the blog to include new branding and updated screenshots for dowloading the SAP BusinessObjects Cloud agent.

Former Member
0 Kudos


This seems to be applicable to  Windows installation only.

In our case, we have a Linux server (SUSE).

Does a document exist for an installation on a serveur NW 7.4-BPC 10 .1 SUSE ?

Thanks in advance,



Celine,  I have created some screenshots\draft instruction on how to do this on my Mac.  Since MacOs steps are like Linux, perhaps you can transpose the steps.  Enable SAP BusinessObjects Cloud for data acquisition from on-premise systems on my MacOS

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, is it possible to install on Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Mirian, I don't see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 (Tikanga) 5.3 in the Prerequisites section.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi There

Does anybody know to connect SAP BusinessObjects Cloud to SQL databases?, if so, can you post a solution with a screen shot step by step instruction as the SAP BusinessObjects Cloud help guide is really not usefull.

0 Kudos

I have following all of the steps listed.  I am installing to a windows 10 machine and am having no luck.

I have spent countless hours trying to get this configured with no luck and feel that there is something in the steps that is assumed based upon  a level of knowledge or experience that I may not possess.

I see all connections in green in the HCC and I can see in the HCC monitor that I am reaching it whenever I try to created a new SQL connection as there is activity showing coincident in date and time with my attempts.   However I am unable to connect to a SQL server database from BOC.  Following are the Q&A from a support case I have opened.  BTW, it has been several days without a response from them:

Please see following replies to your questions

1. Are you using windows or Linux platform for your HCC?   Windows 10

2. What version of SQL Database are you connecting to? Would like to connect to SQL2012 or SQL2014. 2014 is preferred.

3. Which directory did you download and saved the sqljdbc.jar file? It is a directory c:\sqljdbs_4.2

4. Please attach the screen shot of the tomcat lib file. I would like to see what other files exist in there, apart from sqljdbc.jar file?

5. Did you create the .properties file with path to the sqljdbc.jar file? Yes. The properties file is in the folder C:\sqljdbc_4.2\enu (file attached)

6. Did you create the Environment Variable SAP_CLOUD_AGENT_PROPERTIES_PATH? Yes.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi John,

The agent is deployed in Tomcat. To set this parameter, you need to do it in:

Tomcat configuration > Java tab > Java Options as a Java parameter:


And the content of this file should be:

MS SQL Server 2014=C:\C:\sqljdbc_4.2\enu\jdbc\sqljdbc4.jar

Can you connect to other on-premise data sources such BW, UNX universes?



0 Kudos


Turns out the fix from support was to install JCO. Contrary to the instructions in Harjeet's otherwise excellent blog, this is necessary for all on premise connections including SQL Server.  After installing JCO, the issue is resolved.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Thanks or the heads up John!  When I wrote the blog the SQL Database connection wasn't available in the product.  I will test this out further and update the blog if necessary, but I am surprised that JCO is needed for sql database connections as well.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I've confirmed with development that dependency on SAPJCO libraries for JDBC connections is a product issue that's already addressed in the next update.  In the future JCO libraries should NOT be required for SQL database connections.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Harjeet,

Nice blog!

It was really helpful.

I have a question. According to the blog, we have install the HCC on the BIP server and configure the BO Cloud agent in the BO Cloud to the virtual system.

Let say i want to bring in data from different BI platforms, should i be changing the BO Cloud agent configuration in BO Cloud, each time i connect to new BIP?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

No you don't need to change the configuration.  The same agent can be used to connect to multiple BOE system provided they can be accessed from the machine where your BOC agent is running.  For example, you may have a dev, test and production BI4 system.  The agent can be running on Tomcat used for Test BOE system, but you can still acquire data in BOC using universes in Dev and Prod.  When building the connection in BOC, in the system name, choose the approriate CMS server hostname for dev, test, prod etc.


0 Kudos

Hi Harjeet,

Thanks for the insight here. One quick question please.

I have HCC running on a BI4.2 Tomcat server that works well with a local CMC. I have configured the HCC Agent in BOC and we are all good.

Problem I'm trying to solve is that I want to connect to another CMC (call in Host2) on a seperate server. I can connect to the CMC of Host2 from my HCC/Tomcat server so I know connectivity is good.

What I am trying to understand is what my workflow is and what I need to do on Host2 to get it talking to BOC  ?

  1. Do I need to install anything on the Tomcat server on host2 to make it ready for BOC ?
  2. Assuming I have to do the Step above once I've done that where to I configure Host2 in HCC ? And do I use the Tomcat port (80) or the CMC one(6400)
  3. Once that is done I'm assuming I need to create the Connection to the system/universe in BOC that I did for the local system.
  4. Anything else I need to do ?

My guess is that this will become a common requirement to have one HCC Tomcat instance running on premise connecting to multiple BI platforms.

Thanks in advance


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

No need to install anything on the Tomcat server on the 2nd host.  When you build your BOC connection, you will use the CMS name(hostname) of the 2nd server.  As long as you can connect from tomcat where BOC agent is running to the 2nd CMS you shouldn't have any problems.

0 Kudos

Harjeet, I followed your blog a couple of months back to configure access to on premise SQL Servers.  At that point we determined that JCO was actually required and so I addressed that requirement and was gleefully able to access SQL databases for POC.

Now that there have been several release updates, I have had to download and deploy an updated Cloud Agent and we no longer have SQL connectivity.

Can you think of anything that would have changed from the time of your original post to now that would cause the previous configuration to stop working properly?

In the Hana Cloud Connector console, the connection shows operational.  However BOC does not appear to be able to connect to it.

All input is appreciated.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I usually have to delete the old deployed c4_agent folder in webapps before copying in the new war file and restarting Tomcat.  The other thing to look at is your jdbc properties file.  Did you look at the error message(System >> Monitor >> Trace) in BOC? Feel free to email me directly at

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have a SAP business objects predictive analytics 3.0(desktop version) installed on my machine. I have a productive HCP account. The data is stitting in HCP. I want to connect my desktop version of tool with HCP. I have already installed HANA cloud connector but still not able to figure out how can i connect my PA tool with HCP. Could someone guide me how can I connect PA tool with my account in HCP and access the data?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Updated blog to include:
1) tomcat 8 installation steps.  In the past I used an existing Tomcat instance that comes with SAP BI4.x installation.
2) how to retrieve information(account name etc.) required to configure HCC.  A support ticket is no longer need to retrieve this information.
Former Member
0 Kudos

i was tyring to configurate the HCC but have a authorization problem with the HCP Account Name as you can see below:

I copied the Account Name from my URL of my BOC Trial. How can I find the correct Account Name, can you experts maybe help me??

Thanks and greetings from Germany
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The account name in the URL is not the one you will use.  Please follow the steps outlined in the blog under Install and Configure HANA cloud Connector.
Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks for the great blog post.
Unfortunately I could not find my specific problem here and SAP support could not help me at all. They just keep sending me back here without helping ? So it seems to be the only source of support for them?

I’m trying to connect to my onpremise via HCC / HCP. This however does not work although I can successfully connect HCC with my HCP account. However my “Account Name” (not S-User) is different in BOC than in HCP. I think this is the problem.

Connecting with the BOC "Account Name" gives me following error in HCC:

#Creating an sslContextProvider for account without SSLContext. Keystore did not contain a certificate.|

#New RSA keypair was generated. Key size used: 4096|

#Will retrieve Connectivity CA certificate from SAP HANA Cloud|

#Executing Http Get request to

#Returned Http Response with code 403|

#sccEndpoint ok, and context == null|

#SCC handshake failed: 403 — Forbidden

Has anyone had a similar problem?


0 Kudos
HI Patrick, are you still failing with the connectivity? If so please update this thread. Thanks,

Former Member
0 Kudos

Can we use the HANA trial account instead of S-user to configure in HCC? I tried with trial account as I don't have S-user, but its not working. When I'm trying to create a connection in BOC from my ERP system it says:

I selected message server while creating connection. I given message server and group name as same. Is it right? If not tell me how to find them.

The other way is, I tried to use the OData URL(generated from SAP GUI) to connect to BOC. This is also not working. It says:

Active Contributor
Hi Venkatesh,

you can't use your trial account. HCC in this case requires the account name associated to your SAP BusinessObjects Cloud tenant.

The OData error is likely to be related to the version or authentication. We only support OData V2 and username/password.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Julian. I will try the first option, once I get the S-user.

For on-premise OData connection, I'm using the URL generated from the SAP Gateway client. And my credentials are correct. I'm getting below errors:

  1. Failed to call remote system on /FPA_JAVA_SERVICES/service/api/epm/odata by Agent HCPService;

  2. Unexpected response from OData driver: {"status":"403"}

Note: I'm able to see the data of the OData URL in browser without any authentication. I tried both ways to create connection, but both are giving me the above errors.
0 Kudos
Hi Venkatesh, there was an issue within the EU landscape. It should be solved now. Could you please try again? - Mark
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Mark,

For connecting my ERP system to BOC, I used my HANA trial account ID. It's giving me the same error as above.

And for on-premise OData connection, I’m using the URL generated from the SAP Gateway client. I tried with and without authentication. It says: "Unexpected response from OData driver: {“status”:”403″}"

Please let me know what is the issue. Please tell me the procedure regarding on-premise OData service connection.
Former Member
Hi All,

Finally I am able to access my on-premise OData service in SAP BOC, after configuring the remote connectivity for my Account name (Landscape Host: generated in BOC, for my Account user (HCP). Basically, HCC setup for the BOC Tenant URL was missing. Thanks all for your time 🙂
thanks Harjeet Judge; nice blog;


when i try to connect on premise SAP Gateway server for oDATA Service connect, getting below error:

Appreciate your help.



Former Member
Hi Mark,

sorry for the late reply. The issue could only be solved with an OSS message. In fact, I had many issues which could only be solved by SAP.

My recommendation - always open a message before waisting precius time!

Thanks & regards,

0 Kudos
@Harjeet, Is it possible to connect an on-premise HANA XSA system to BOC using the cloud connector setup
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Vidya,

At the moment we don't support connecting to HANA XS or XSA through the Hana Cloud Connector.  For XS to HANA data, it's better to use the Live connection from BOC which doesn't require HANA Cloud connector or the BOC agent.  Follow this blog instead:

If you are looking to acquire data(ie. not live) from HANA, you can use the Generic JDBC connectivity.  For JDBC access you will need HCC and BOC agent.

Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Harjeet

Is it ok to install HANA Cloud Connector and Tomcat & BOC Agent on the same server? Our data source is on-premise BW. Any recommendations.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Yes it is.  It's how I have done my setup as well.
0 Kudos


I have followed all the steps and the configuration part seems fine.

There is a connectivity issue with my on premise ECC system that sits on another server.


I have an IDES ECC system in a different server. A different dedicated Linux virtual server was created separately where Tomcat, cloud connector and cloud agent were deployed. I then linked my cloud connector to the landscape host and account name in HCP. The connection was successful. Then access control for "an other SAP system" as back end type was added. Cloud connector could access the cloud agent. But now when I try to create a connection between my analytics cloud account and on-premise ECC IDES system for import of data , I get a connection error.

Server type: Application

System name: (ip address of application server)

System number: Instance number

Client Id: 800

System ID: (three letter code)

User name and pwd of SAP GUI logon were finally given.

And then when I click "create" there is a connectivity issue. What am i missing here? Thanks in advance.

Do I have to somewhere give the back end system's details in the cloud connector? Thanks.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Did you deploy the JCO libraries for ERP and BW connectivity?  You may also need to confirm if the backend ECC system is accessible to from the machine where you installed the cloud connector and the cloud agent.
0 Kudos

Thanks. It is resolved now. Had to do with some admin work on the back-end ECC.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Kiran,


I'm facing the same issue. Can you elaborate how you resolved the issue?


With kind regards,

Martijn van Foeken
0 Kudos
Hi Martijn,

I am not sure how much I could help you because it involved some admin work (setting up of a reverse proxy connection).


0 Kudos
Hello Harjeet,

I have installed and configured Cloud connector and Cloud agent as per the SAP documentation on our Linux server. Now I am trying to setup Import connection to our on-premise via SAP tenant URL (https://<xyz> under System / Administration > Data Configuration > SAP Analysis Cloud Agent. I have configured Cloud To On-Premise > Mapping Virtual To Internal System successfully and the server is reachable. But when I enter the system info and click on "check configuration" I get the following error.

"Please verify SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Connector connection stats under the SAP Cloud Platform that linked to your SAP Analytics Cloud system. If connected, please contact SAP Support regarding backend connectivity issue. HTTP Status: 503, PATH: /deploymentinfo"

What am I missing?
